
McConnell Tells Munich Conference Regarding Ukraine Support: “Don’t Look at Twitter, Look at People in Power, Look at Me and Speaker Kevin McCarthy”

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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) addressed the Munich Security Conference Friday morning on NATO and support for Ukraine. McConnell told the Europeans to look to him and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as well as top Republicans in the House and Senate, saying,

“Republican leaders are committed to a strong trans-Atlantic alliance. We are committed to helping Ukraine. Not because of vague moral arguments or abstractions like the so-called ‘rules-based international order.’ But rather, because America’s own core national interests are at stake. Because our security is interlinked and our economies are intertwined.” McConnell appears to be trying box in McCarthy–who did not go to Munich–from overseas on Ukraine.

McCarthy has said there would be no blank check for Ukraine in the Republican led House of Representatives.

The U.S. has a large bi-partisan delegation at the conference led by Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), former Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and nearly fifty lawmakers, according to Reuters. In contrast, on Thursday current Speaker McCarthy led a Republican delegation inspecting the U.S.-Mexico border at Tuscon, Arixona.

McConnell is making a strong push to try to persuade wavering Republicans and GOP voters to continue robust support and funding for Ukraine. He spoke on the Senate floor on Thursday and appeared on Fox News where he said that defeating Russia in Ukraine is the “single most important event going on in the world right now.”

Full interview:

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