
Meet The Texas Woman who Holds The Record for The Largest Shoe Size (Video)

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A woman in Texas, United States, possesses the world’s biggest feet on a live person (female), with her right foot measuring 33.1 cm (13.03 inches) and her left foot measuring 32.5 cm (12.79 inches). Tanya Herbert’s shoe size ranges from US women’s 18 to US men’s 16-17, depending on the brand, according to Guinness World Records.

Ms. Herbert is 6 feet 9 inches tall and has always been taller and larger than her colleagues, according to GWR. “By high school, her feet had grown to the record-breaking size they are now,” according to their official website.

Ms. Herbert said to GWR, “Growing up, I was always the tallest person in the room. My mother is 6 feet 5 inches tall and my father is 6 feet 4 inches tall, so I had no choice but to be tall.” She stated that she did not consider her height to be a disadvantage because her parents instilled in her a strong sense of self-worth.

“I’ve never been bullied or harassed because of my height. My friends took great care of me to ensure that I was loved and liked “She went on.

She couldn’t locate any shoes for ladies in her size because of her height and large feet, so she ended up wearing men’s shoes for most of her life. “I’d usually wear tennis shoes or men’s loafers, which weren’t necessarily the prettiest thing while trying to dress cute for school!” she noted.

Ms. Herbet utilized social media to connect with other women going through the same thing, and she discovered ways to make her feminine shoes. She stated that she would buy the largest shoes she could find on the internet. “I would buy the largest sneakers I could find online and alter them to make them a bit longer and wider so that they would fit.”

At the moment, the world record holder is paying attention and assisting women with huge feet in finding appropriate shoes at reasonable rates. Ms. Herbert stated to GWR, “Women struggle to obtain shoes in sizes 12 or 13, and I’m a size 18. Men’s size shoes (that are that size) are easy to find while finding women’s shoes is difficult or highly expensive.”

She went on, “Being a world record holder may open doors that I would not have been allowed to enter previously. I want to light a fire under the shoe business!”

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