A man was going home on an ordinary evening when his life was changed irrevocably. He couldn’t believe what he saw as he shone his phone’s flashlight on an unknown object.
Benkingsley Nwashara never imagined June 15, 2022, would be a day to remember. But it was. The man and his friends saw something unusual lying on the road
They thought it was a snake or a wood log and moved closer to investigate. None of them were ready for what they discovered.
Nwashara recalled his fear and nervousness as he shone a light on the unknown object. As soon as he realized what it was, his heartbeat accelerated.
He had stumbled upon a living creature. But it wasn’t a snake—it was a helpless baby girl. She was alone and cold, so the man did something brave.
Amid the advice Nwashara received, people began to ask why the child’s mother abandoned her.
Nwashara took the child from the street in Agbani, Enugu state, Nigeria, to the police station. A heavy downpour of rain battered her, and he desperately wanted to help. He recalled:
“Fear [overwhelmed] me as she did not [move] or make any sound.”
The police told Nwashara to take the two-year-old baby home and return the next day. However, he could not bear to leave the child in that condition.
She needed medical attention, so he took her to the hospital. He shared: “I [saw] she [needed] medical attention. From [that] day, I [became] papa overnight.”
After 15 hours of treatment, the baby gradually recovered from her injuries. But Nwashara faced another challenge—he did not know how to care for babies, especially regarding proper nutrition.
He sought advice from netizens on the best diet to feed her. Amid the advice Nwashara received, people began to ask why the child’s mother abandoned her.
All that is known is that the child purportedly belonged to a mentally challenged woman who lived in Eke Agbani, Enugu.
Nwashara did not provide further details about the mother or the circumstances that led to the child’s abandonment. Despite the many questions, he saw the little girl as a blessing from God.
Nwashara voluntarily spent over $300 on baby food and clothes for the little one. He also regarded the baby as his own and would explain the unique situation to his future wife one day.
He vowed to do his best for the precious infant because she brought immense joy to him. The man expressed:
“If I wake up seeing the baby playing or sleeping, it is joyful. It gives me [joy] inside. I’m happy that the baby is recovering, and she’s happy.”
The law graduate wanted other youngsters to learn how to be selfless from his story because we live in a world where people no longer care about each other, even their closest neighbors. He added:
“Young people are supposed to learn that it is good to do good, and I chose to save her life because of God.”
Regardless of the unknown circumstances surrounding the baby’s abandonment, Nwashara’s actions remind us that kindness and compassion can make a difference in someone’s life.
We can all positively impact the world by extending a helping hand to those in need—Best wishes to the Good Samaritan and the little girl in his care.