Mom Is Sure She Buried Son a Year Ago, Finds Him Living at Deserted Gas Station And Was Left In Shock

“The distressed mother sobbed whenever she entered her son’s bedroom. Her next-door neighbor claimed to have seen the youngster one day. ‘It’s not conceivable,’ the mother said, but later she changed her mind once the neighbors showed her evidence.

Melissa worked as a weaver in a nearby shop. Once her husband died, she became a single mother, and she had to work hard to make ends meet and care for her only son, David. She only wanted the best for him. She worked all hours of the day and night, and David’s desire to be a pilot motivated her to work even harder.
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When David was three years old, his father gave him a model airplane which quickly became his favorite toy. He took it everywhere he went and was obsessed with it. Even after he turned 18, David’s passion for flying planes intensified as he grew older. He worked hard to…..Read Full Story Here……..