Mom of 5 Feeds 3 Lonely Boys She Found, ‘Are You Our Mommy Now?’ They Ask Her And She Gave Shocking Responses

Lacey had enjoyed being a mother so much that she had done it five times. She and her husband Brian were proud parents of three boys and two girls, and she wished they had more, especially now that the three oldest kids were in college and the two youngest were in high school.

“We’ll be alone again soon,” Lacey lamented. “I’ll miss having children around.”
Brian nodded as if he wasn’t paying attention. “Sure, sweetheart,” he replied.
Lacey grinned. She adored Brian, and she adored the fact that he always knew how she felt.
Lacey’s marriage was flipped upside down three days later. She was on the beach with her dog when she heard a baby wail near the old abandoned lifeguard hut. The dog barked in the park and ran towards the hut. Lacey followed it and saw it cheerfully wagging his tail as he stopped running. Three children stood in front of the dog.
The first two appeared to be five and four, respectively, while the third was a baby still in the stroller. The two older children appeared terrified while the baby appeared distressed and hungryLacey approached the children cautiously in order not to…..Read Full Story Here………