
Mom Sells Dead Son’s Bed, Buyer Returns Later and Says ‘Look In Trunk’ And She Was Shocked

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“After a mom sold her dead son’s bed at a yard sale, she was surprised when the buyer returned days later. Then he shocked her even further when he told her to look in the trunk. That’s when she began to cry. Before we begin.

Valerie Watts, a young mother from Kokado, Minnesota, tragically learned first hand how difficult it is to lose a child. During her ninth month of pregnancy, everything was prepared for the birth of her son, but then just a few days before her due date, she felt something was wrong. Unfortunately, her mother’s intuition was right.

Valerie sensed something wasn’t right when her son stopped moving in her womb. Unbeknownst to Valerie at the time, her son’s umbilical cord had become pinched in utero, cutting off his supply of oxygen and nutrients. The baby, who she named Noah, died in her womb, and the devastated mother later delivered him stillborn, a circumstance many can hardly imagine.

Sadly, Valerie had to live through every mother’s worst nightmare. After her son’s tragic passing, Valerie Watts struggled with what to do with Noah’s belongings. An entire nursery was ready for a baby who never made it home.

For over a year, his room remained untouched. Then, the morning mother finally had a yard sale, where she eventually agreed to sell the crib she had so anxiously hoped to use when……Read Full Story Here….,….

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