Cathy had about enough of her sickness. And her relationship with her daughter was strained. However, she eventually accepted her fate. Cathy pulled herself straight up and coughed heavily when she heard the doorbell ring, reaching for her walking stick and her her cane scraped against the wooden floor as she shuffled to the door. The builders had arrived and went upstairs.
To finish the job. She went back to her usual spot on the couch. She hoped that a nap would help. Her aches and pains. She then heard them yell her name. Cathy Wilson was a normal 41 year old woman from Shelbyville, Indiana, who worked hard to provide for her family. She became very sick suddenly ten years ago and convinced herself that it was due to stress and work. Her daughter, on the other hand, was concerned. In an attempt to recover, Cathy drank a cocktail of vitamins, but none of them seemed to help. After several weeks, her daughter Ashley made her go to the doctor.
However, the doctor only gave a sick. Note to take a few days off from work to relax. Kathy was pale, and you can pretty much notice that her health was deteriorating. Ashley was becoming increasingly concerned, so she dragged Cathy back to the doctor’s office weeks after her first visit. They were surprised that Cathy, a strong young woman with a strong immune system, who should have recovered from the flu weeks ago, was still deteriorating. Dr. Mary Beth Hensley, who was starting.
To take cassi seriously, ordered tests in the hopes of detecting any disease or intolerance. All of the tests revealed that Cathy was in good health. They didn’t have a diagnosis, but they decided to try an elimination strategy. So Cathy was given a variety of antibiotics. Dr. Hensley had hoped that Cathy’s reaction.
To the medications would provide insight into her illness. Cathy began to feel worse rather than better. Then her mental health began to suffer as a result of the unknown illness. Her friends and family began to be concerned, and even though Cathy knew her body, something wasn’t right. Cathy, determined to find out what was.
Wrong with her, looked up her symptoms online, and she even tried herbal treatments and natural remedies, but nothing worked. As time passed, no one was able. To provide her with explanations. Kathy saw her doctor on a constant schedule for the next ten years. Doctor henceley gave Cathy the best care possible and tested her for everything she could. She insisted on cardiac testing, chest xrays. MRIs of the brain and spine to.
See if there was anything related, and nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary. Years of the mysterious illness had an impact on her relationships, her work, and most importantly, her overall quality of life. As a result, she decided to transform the entire bathroom into a sanctuary. She hired contractors to complete the work. However, they soon made a startling discovery. They discovered that improperly installed furnace and water heater were allowing trace amounts of.
Carbon monoxide to escape and leak into. The house over time. Is carbon monoxide toxic? Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, making it undetectable to the naked human eye. As a result, the gas is a silent killer. When exposed to it, the gas displaces oxygen in the blood, causing severe damage.
To the heart, brain, and vital organs. However, longterm exposure can result in serious side effects, such as vomiting, muscle weakness, fainting, and confusion. Co poisoning can be fatal in some cases. Cathy had given up hope after years of seeking answers from specialists and healthcare professionals. But now Cathy’s ten year long symptoms made sense.
It just got worse throughout the time, and Ashley tried to explain she was overjoyed to learn that there was finally proof of her mother’s illness, and Cassi would be able to function as a normal human being. Cassie hasn’t felt this good in a long time. The contractors gave her much more than a new bathroom. They gave her her life back. She is overjoyed that her body, mind and spirit have been restored.
After years of being poisoned, cathy is on her way to recovery. But there is still cause for concern in this story. Cathy wishes she had pushed for a diagnosis sooner. She had been labeled insane, delusional, and a hypochondriac because the tests had come back negative. She was given everything, but nothing worked.
On the other hand, she was correct in following her instincts, despite the fact that she had to wait ten years for an answer. Kathy is excited about her newfound energy. And life, and she’s hopes that her. Story will raise awareness about the dangers of carbon monoxide.