
Mommy Doesn’t Wake up All Day’ Crying Girl Calls 911, cops discover horrific situation at her home

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A female cop in her team set out searching for a little girl who calls 9-1-1 and says her mommy’s not waking up. Circumstances take a horrific turn when the officer barges into her house that evening.

Officers were busier than usual at the police station that day, investigating a murder. All the helplines were busy with calls routed to various emergencies from all over the city. Then there was a strange call from a little girl.

“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” the dispatcher answered, an eerie silence sprawling in the background followed by a loud wheezing sound on the receiver. “I’m hungry, mommy doesn’t wake up all day,” a little girl spoke as she burst into tears.

“Where are you?” “I don’t know. Mommy told me to call 9-1-1 if I’m in trouble,” the girl said, sounding terrified. The dispatcher pressed the girl for more details about her location. “Calm down, and what’s your name?” “Maggie.” “Maggie, can you tell me your address?” After a grave silence, Maggie gave the dispatcher her earlier address, but she didn’t know the…..Read Full Story Here……

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