
More Hidden Biden Docs Likely to be Found… Karine Jean-Pierre Dodges When Asked if Biden is Confident That There Are No Additional Classified Docs Improperly Stored (VIDEO)

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There may be more Biden documents forthcoming.

The Deep State is circling the wagons and preparing to kneecap Joe Biden.

80-year-old Joe Biden has overstayed his welcome and the Democrat-Deep State complex is preparing to toss him into the garbage bin.

On Monday it was revealed top secret intelligence documents related to Ukraine, UK and Iran were found in Joe Biden’s private office shortly before the 2022 midterm elections.

Government officials discovered more classified documents at Joe Biden’s Delaware home – in the garage next to his Corvette.

White House reporters on Thursday repeatedly grilled Karine Jean-Pierre on Biden’s improperly stored classified documents.

It’s as if the White House press pool has been given the green light to go after Joe Biden.

One reporter asked KJP if there are possibly more documents with classified markings at other locations.

“Is the President confident that there are no additional documents with classified markings that remain in any other additional locations?” ABC’s Karen Travers queried.

Karine Jean-Pierre refused to give a straight answer which means there’s more.

“I can just refer you to what his team said,” KJP replied.

Translation: Yes, there’s more.


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