Mother Abandoned And Left Her Sick Baby to die then a Real Miracle Happened!- Touching Story (Video)

Being a Mother is an absolute blessing another incredible gift that god gives to moms is what’s called a mother’s intuition.
This very gift is what saved little isaiah smith stephanie smith 35 has a little son named isaiah, when the little guy is born she couldn’t be happier then she sees something strange on her newborn skin and the tiny baby’s life transforms into a nightmare a red rash breaks out on isaiah’s skin he’s just three months old.
Every time when he’s exposed to perfume or other intense odors the rash becomes worse it gets so bad that isaiah’s skin ruptures and begins to bleed and discharge.
when stephanie her husband and their six-year-old daughter kicked off, they were joyful mom stephanie was about to give birth to a baby boy but when that boy named isaiah was just three months old the nightmare began isaiah developed a red rash on his cheeks stephanie took him to a pediatrician who explained that her son probably suffered from contact dermatitis as soon as stephanie returned home .
She switched all the family’s shampoos creams and deodorants to hypoallergenic ones and did away with scented household products that could possibly cause allergies and eczema isaiah’s skin infections remained.
however the little boy’s face was covered in severe blisters and his skin was cracked after several visits to the hospital doctors diagnosed it as severe eczema and prescribed cortisone stephanie and her husband could hardly have suspected it, then but the medicines and treatment that their son was using had the opposite effect.
the more cortisone the boy got the worse his eczema became the family’s life began to revolve around isaiah’s plight he was in constant pain and cried day and night his parents felt helpless and didn’t know what to do seeing their child suffering like that broke their hearts but over time stephanie began to listen to her maternal instincts and that led her to a realization that changed everything.
Watch Video Below for complete details: