Mother Dies in Labor And Baby Clings to Her. Few Minutes Later The Unexpected Took Place

“Samantha Klopp’s second pregnancy went exactly as planned. When she went into labor, however, she was rushed to the operating room so that doctors could try to save both her and the baby. When there seemed to be no hope left, her husband did something incredible.
Craig and Samantha were ecstatic when they found out they were expecting their second child. They had been trying to get pregnant and have a child for at least a year. Their son, John, had specifically requested a younger brother.

Despite the fact that the gender of the child could be determined during the ultrasound, Samantha requested that the doctor not tell them. The consultant then scribbled the result on a piece of paper and handed it to Samantha’s friend, who is in charge of planning a small gathering for friends and family.
Between sweets and a cake, the announcement was made. Everyone rejoiced when purple and pink balloons floated down and stuck to the apartment ceiling, indicating a girl, but no one cried harder than Craig.The soon-to-be father kissed his wife and son as he realized……Read Full Story Here………..