Mother ‘gave permission to her 48-year-old boyfriend to forcibly rpe her 7-year-old daughter at least five times while she stayed in the room and watched the attacks!

Mother ‘gave permission to her 48-year-old boyfriend to forcibly rpe her 7-year-old daughter at least five times while she stayed in the room and watched the attacks

Police officials said the 48-year-old man, later identified as William, and the child’s mother, 43-year-old Brandy, were taken into custody and later charged with five counts each of ra-e of a child. Police officials also said both suspects reportedly committed se* crimes against a little girl under the age of 10 over the course of nearly a year.
According to the statement, Brandy’s 7-year-old daughter was forcibly ra-ed approximately 5 times. Officials said the first assault reportedly occurred during the first week of December 2022. All five of the alleged incidents of se-ual assault reportedly took place inside….Read Full Story Here……….