
Mother Gives Birth to 9 Babies then Doctors Realize One Of Them Wasn’t A Baby (Video) – Touching Story

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When it was time to give birth one woman hal messise saw her life flashing before her eyes but as if that wasn’t enough when the doctors delivered the babies they realized one of them wasn’t a baby.

when kader arby a soldier in the malian army and hamasise met it was an instant click they complimented each other so well that everyone around them knew this wasn’t just a fling but something beautiful that would stand the test of time it wasn’t long before the lovely couple announced their wedding and everyone was excited about the wonderful news .

The couple lived weddings were a big and colorful display of culture and events family and friends often gathered to share in the bride and groom’s joy and kyren hulma’s wedding wasn’t different a few months later halma was pregnant with a couple’s first child carter was quite excited as he had always wanted a family with halma the next few months saw the couple shopping and preparing for the newborn it was a smooth pregnancy and when the time was right their beautiful baby girl came into the world.

The little girl was named soda and she was the replica of her mom although she was just a baby she was quite witty oftentimes she left her parents reeling with laughter in their three-bedroom apartment, not long after 26-year-old halma started experiencing the same symptoms she had while pregnant with soda a pregnancy test confirmed helma’s instincts were right she was indeed pregnant the family was delighted just a few days after the news of the pregnancy helmer’s 35 year old husband was also promoted to a high rank after 15 years of serving in the army.

Hence it was a double celebration in the home of the arby’s the young family also wasted no time in planning the arrival of their baby but neither kader nor halma could have envisioned the shocker that was about to hit their household on one of halma’s routine trips to the clinic she requested an ultrasound however the result left her speechless the scan revealed helma was not only pregnant with a baby but babies she was having a set of septuplets halma was more than stunned she’d only read about people having multiple babies but if anyone had told her she would walk that path.

she would have laughed so hard and said that’s never happening well here she was immediately after leaving the hospital halma informed her husband and he was also stunned i am not sure i heard you right did you just say septuplet caiter asked with an open mouth and halma repeated what the doctorate said here they were preparing to welcome just one baby but now they had to prepare for seven that must have come with a lot of shocks.

Watch the video below for complete details:

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