“Mother made her child sleep alone on the street every night. When they discovered the reason, everyone cried. The little girl slept on the floor, and everyone was wrong.
When they found out the real answer, one day a painful video appeared on social media showing how a little girl of about three years old slept on the floor with nothing else under her little body but a dirty and crumpled piece of cardboard. The girl was the daughter of a woman who sold vegetables in the country’s largest market.

The video of the little girl began to spread through social media, and the event soon became known by social network users.
As the video was short and only showed little Martina peacefully asleep lying on the old cardboard that served as their bed, users began to speculate and assume that perhaps the little girl was there because of carelessness or neglect of her parents, or perhaps she was wandering the streets, having been abandoned by them.
Many times when we don’t have all the information available on the particular facts of a situation, it’s very easy to fall into incorrect ideas or wrong assumptions. This was the case with Donna Matilda and little Martina. The negative comments and……Read Full Story Here…….