
Mum Abandoned Baby Born Without Eyes, Then Something Unbelievable Happened To Him!

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“When her baby was born without eyes, a young Russian mom made the heartbreaking decision to abandon him, fearing that the little boy would never have a loving family. The orphanage began a campaign to set Sasha up for adoption.

Then, something unbelievable happened to him that would change his life forever. Welcome to Amazing Truth Channel. At 31 weeks pregnant, Sasha’s birth mother went for a regular checkup. She was excited but nervous about bringing a child into the world. She didn’t have much and had no experience in looking after children. She worried whether being a mother would come naturally to her. Throughout her pregnancy, she had been concerned about whether she would be able to properly provide for her child. During the checkup, she noticed that the nurses had concerned looks on their faces as they called a doctor into the room. She began to feel…….Read Full Story Here……………………………

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