Netanyahu to Clinch Patriotic Government Today as Biden Regime Supports “Palestinians” and Left Threatens Violent “Resistance”

Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to notify President Isaac Herzog by telephone today that he has succeeded in crafting a right-wing coalition government in Israel, Arutz Sheva reports. The far-left EU- and Soros-backed opposition is already forming a “Resistance” and threatening to break the law to bring down the “illegitimate and criminal” new government.
According to Kan News, the Likud party lans to sign at least one agreement detailing the incoming government’s policies with the other coalition parties today.
The patriotic government in Israel will include the “far-right” parties Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Strength) and Religious Zionism, which stand for a strong military and support the police (Gateway reported).
So naturally, the Biden Regime opposes them.
“The Biden administration will hold the presumptive Israeli prime minister personally responsible for the actions of his more extreme cabinet members, especially if they lead to policies that endanger a future Palestinian state,” two U.S. officials told Politico. The “Palestinian Authority” is run by PLO terrorists. Gaza is run by Hamas.
Bibi says he can control his government, so let’s see him do just that,” said one of the U.S. officials, using Netanyahu’s nickname.
The Soros-backed far left “Balfour Movement” has threatened to fight the new governemnt, calling it “illegitimate and criminal”, even if it means breaking the law.
Assaf Agmon, one of the organizers of the violent Balfour Street protests outside the First Family’s house 2021, said: “If our protests are not successful, we will move to a resistance movement. This is an illegitimate and criminal government – we will do everything we can to prevent its existence” Question: “Even if it involves breaking the law?” Agmon: “We’ll do what we’ll do and we’ll keep you updated.”
The presumtive Prime Minister’s son Yair Netanyahu called for an end to “lawfare terror against right-wing citizens of Israel,” charging that the left “silence, intimidate and discredit right-wing citizens, through false and baseless claims meant to silence them
This phenomenon is a very serious danger to freedom of expression in Israel, without which there is no democracy”, Yair Netanyahu said, announcing a “mass mobilization campaign designed to fight back against the left … intended to provide legal protection for right-wingers who fall victim to lawfare, and also for lawsuits against libel and defamation by the left against right-wing citizens.”
As violence escalates in the Arab towns, a two-year-old boy was shot to death with his father in the biblical city of Nazareth Tuesday.
“I am shocked by the murder of a two-year-old baby in a double murder incident in Nazareth, as well as by the severe incidents of violence in recent days. I share in the grief of the families and hope the Israeli Police will arrest the despicable murderers and bring them to justice. The war against crime in general and in the Arab areas in particular, is our duty”, said Itamar Ben-Gvir, slated to become the next Minister of Security.