After Prom Rejection, Teen Hears Famous Voice Over Loudspeaker, School Erupts Into Chaos

After a prom rejection, a teen hears a famous voice over the loudspeaker, and the school erupts into chaos.
Katie was now a senior in high school, which meant that it was her time to finally get ready for prom. She had not given the night much thought before; she wasn’t such a big fan of these things, even though she knew she had to go.
She was worried about her date; mainly, she was worried about whether she would be able to get a date. In the end, she knew that she wanted to ask Dan, but she wasn’t sure how things would work out. It was a risk for sure, but she was a risk-taker and wanted to give it a try. But what would Dan say in the end? Dan was a popular boy at school and was a hero on the high school football team.
Katie knew that some other girl had her eyes on him as well. It took Katie a few days to build up the courage to finally ask Dan if he wanted to go to prom with her. Dan was getting some books out of his locker when Katie approached him. They started talking like they usually did and joked around about some sports games they had watched the other day.
Finally, Katie got shy and looked at Dan for a moment; then the question finally came out of her mouth. Dan was in shock when Katie asked him if she wanted to go to prom with her. Dan told her that he was already going to the prom with another girl and because of that he won’t be able to go with her. Katie told him that everything was fine and not to worry about it as she walked away, but in her gut, she felt humiliated and stupid.
Now she had let Dan indirectly know that she had feelings for him, and she didn’t even get to go to prom with him. She waited too long, and now another girl was going to go with him instead of her, and she would never know if the feelings were mutual. Katie went back home later that day and was disappointed to say the least. She thought that she had a good chance at going to the prom with Dan, and now she was going to have to go alone.
It was a taboo topic at school to go to prom by yourself; maybe there was another option. Katie sat in her room and thought about things that she could do to avoid going to prom alone. Then an idea finally hit her: why not post a message on social media directed at her celebrity crush, the rock? She could ask him to go to prom with her as a joke.
Her friends would see it, and they would all laugh about it, then she would feel a little bit better about the entire thing. So Katie made a sign that was asking the rock if he would go to prom with her, and she posted it on social media: “Hello Dwayne, I’m Katie kelzenberg and I’m a senior at Stillwater area high school in Minnesota, and I would like to ask you to my senior prom.
It’s May 5th at the myth in Maplewood, Minnesota. You may be wondering why should I go to prom with her? Well, let me tell you why. I am the biggest Dwayne Johnson fan. I love all of your movies. I even dressed up as you for Halloween, and I have the biggest Dwayne Johnson merch [Music] collection. So DNE I have just one question for you: will you rock it at prom with me?” Shortly after that, she went to sleep. The next morning Kate woke up and checked her social media account.
Before she checked how many people had viewed the video, she read all the messages she got from her friends who all laughed at the video. It made her feel better knowing that she had her friends’ support around her. She was laughing at herself and making the best out of her situation, which is why people were able to laugh alongside her and not at her.
Katie thought that just a few of her friends had watched the video online, but as it turned out, that just wasn’t the case. Kate scrolled through her social media and looked at the number of people who had watched her video. When she saw the actual number, her eyes began to get wide. The number was in the thousands, and it was growing each second. She had made a viral video that was spreading like wildfire. Thousands of people were liking and commenting on the video.
If things continued on like this, who’s to say that the rock wouldn’t see it? Katie crossed her fingers and thought for a moment that she had a real chance of getting the celebrity’s attention. But she knew it was a long shot. Katie was sitting in class that fateful day and waiting for the teacher to enter so things could start. While Katie was waiting for class to start, the usual morning announcements came on the loudspeaker.
This was no surprise; each morning, the principal would announce anything special happening that day in other notices. But today, this was different. There was a special guest at the school that wanted to say a few words. The principal had none other than the rock on the phone, and he pushed the phone up to the intercom.
The Rock then greeted everyone over the loudspeaker and gave a special message to Katie. When this happened, everyone began to scream with excitement; they couldn’t believe what was going on at their school. “The M is for a very special young lady, her name is Katie kelzenberg. I hope I pronounce your last name right, Katie.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for inviting me to your prom. Unfortunately, I can’t make it that weekend; I’m going to be in Hawaii shooting jungle cruise. I just want to take a moment to let you know how awesome I think you are. You stepped out of your comfort zone to ask me to the prom, Katie. Girls and women, they get shy around me, high-level professional women get very shy around me, and they don’t say anything until I leave.
And here you are, you’re like, ‘Yo, Rock, I’m your biggest fan, I love you, take me to the prom.’ I love that about you, Katie.” As a surprise because I can’t make it this weekend, I’m going to rent out a theater close to your house. Rampage on me, invite your friends, invite your family, soda, popcorn, candy, everything free, everything’s on me. Enjoy Rampage. I got you.
By the way, you made my gym wall right there. When you make the gym wall, you know you’re special and you’re cool. I hope some chivalrous boy takes you to the prom; you know what, you might not even need a boy, go with your girlfriends, have a blast, enjoy Rampage, and I love you for being an awesome fan.” She was a celebrity at school after that day, and everyone wanted to talk to her about what had happened. All of a sudden, everyone was paying attention to her.
The next night, hundreds of people from her High School showed up at the local theaters and went to watch The Rock’s latest movie. They were even able to get some free drinks and popcorn to go along with their ticket. It was a great night that no one would forget. With just one phone call, The Rock was able to win the approval of an entire building of teenagers and make Katiethe most popular kid in school.
The celebrity really had that much power. No one could believe it; we know that Katie would be forever grateful for his shout-out. It would be the first time that Katie had all the attention on her and that people would notice who she was.
The shout-out that she got from a person that she idolized gave her a lot of courage and motivation to not be afraid of what the future held for her. Katie is far from the only person who had a crazy prom experience.