
Newt Gingrich On The Biden Administration: “Most Corrupt And Dangerous Executive Branch In American History”

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Newt Gingrich didn’t hold back his criticisms of the Biden administration.

During an appearance on Fox News, he blasted the Biden administration as the “most corrupt and dangerous executive branch in American history.”

Gingrich warned that “we have a real constitutional crisis of an executive branch seeking to wage war against the American people.”

Gingrich also said House Republicans “have an obligation to take head on the totality of corruption and dishonesty that we’re now dealing with at every level of the bureaucracy, not just the Biden administration but deep into the bureaucracy.”

During an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity” on Thursday, Gingrich made the declaration and warned of a “constitutional crisis” stemming from the Biden administration’s desire to wage war on its own people.

“Oh, look, I think they’ll do a lot, and I think this is just a childish game by the Biden team,” he said. “The fact is on the third or the fourth, the Republicans who will run the committees no matter who the speaker is, you know, I totally believe Kevin McCarthy will be speaker but put that to one side. The Republicans are going to be running the committees can simply hand deliver everything they’ve already sent up there and say, fine, we now may your standard, give us the information. I think they also can begin to file subpoenas, and I think they should broaden out what they’re doing if the ways and means Democrats release Trump’s tax data. I think next year, the Republicans have to subpoena all of the Biden family’s various taxes, including the University of Pennsylvania records and say, fine.”

“I think you have to recognize two things here: One, the Democrats are going to play hardball every single day,” Gingrich continued. “They’re never going to be reasonable, and that’s fine. That’s who they are. They are desperately defending power. Two, this is much bigger than the Biden administration. This is the most corrupt and dangerous executive branch in American history. The FBI was corrupt before Joe Biden got elected. The things that have been going on with Fauci were before Joe Biden got elected.

We have a real constitutional crisis of an executive branch seeking to wage war against the American people, and I think the House Republicans who are the only coherent conservative group in Washington, given the chaos in the Senate. I think the House Republicans have an obligation to take head on the totality of corruption and dishonesty that we’re now dealing with at every level of the bureaucracy, not just the Biden administration but deep into the bureaucracy.”

Full segment

The Biden administration has already shown signs they are going to stonewall GOP investigations.

Their friends in the media are helping them.

Will House Republicans stand up to the Biden administration?

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