Nightmare for Donald Trump: Plan to Disqualify Every Single Trump Elector Gains Momentum – The Reason Will Shock You

Should elected Democrats possess a modicum of sanity or awareness of self-interest, they will flee from this plot. Otherwise, they will surely go the way of the Federalist Party.
Near the end of the War of 1812, disaffected Federalists held a secession convention at Hartford, Connecticut.
That state, in particular, had developed a reputation as a den of so-called “blue light Federalists,” pro-British actors in America who allegedly flashed blue lights on shore as signals to British warships that American vessels would try to run the British blockade.
At Hartford in 1814, those pro-British delegates did not ultimately vote for disunion. But they did agree to present to Congress a list of demands.
Unfortunately for the Hartford delegates, their demands arrived in Washington, D.C., around the same time as two pieces of glorious news: the signing of the peace treaty ending the war, and reports of General Andrew Jackson’s victory over the British at the Battle of New Orleans.
Thus, while the nation celebrated, the grumbling Federalists brought upon themselves the taint of disloyalty. As a result, they did not merely suffer electoral defeats. Instead, the Federalist Party effectively disappeared. By 1820, in fact, it ceased to exist as a national entity.
Should they follow the advice of Davis and Schulte, Democrats will have earned the same fate.
Do they live in a bubble where everyone else believes the same lies they do? Or does their proposed plot reflect a desperation that runs much deeper?