
Nurses Enter The Room Of A Hospitalized 3-Year-Old Girl. Then This Unexpected Thing Happened

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Nurses enter the room of a hospitalized three-year-old girl. Then, this unexpected thing happened. Hospital stays are usually not fun at all. You watch the clock tick away and simply count down the days until you can leave again.

But when these nurses entered the room of a three-year-old girl, they surprised her with something so unexpected that you probably forgot all about your whereabouts for at least a couple of seconds. This is what happened.

This is Madison Austin. She was born with a neuronal migration disorder or NMD. NMD is an umbrella term given to several conditions. It refers to a group of birth defects caused by the abnormal migration of neurons in the developing brain and nervous system. Madison’s condition affects her brain and muscle development, and due to breathing issues related to her ailment, she is forced to breathe with the help of a tracheostomy tube.

One day, little Madison’s oxygen levels dropped severely, and she began having seizures. She was admitted to the hospital where she was diagnosed with the flu, rhinovirus, and three different infections. The doctors advised that it could be…..Read Full Story Here………..

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