This officer was walking his daily route when he came across something that would cause his day to take a sudden turn. During an inspection, he saw that a woman had a coffin in her trunk, and when he asked her to open it, something he would have never imagined happened.

Ben was an officer and was walking his daily route around the block. He was enjoying his walk as it was a warm and sunny day. A parked van captured his attention; it was parked on the grass between some bushes and trees. Ben looked around for some sign of activity, but no one was around. Ben decided to look closer, not knowing his day would take a surprising turn.
He approached the van from the side, so he changed direction. Ben was surprised to find out the driver was a woman who was heavily startled by his sudden appearance. Ben asked her to roll down the window and hand over her registration; he couldn’t help but notice her handshake when she handed over the documents. But the woman ignored him and didn’t move a muscle, raising his suspicion.His eyes rested on something that lay in the back of the van; there was……..Read Full Story Here…………