
Old Lady Lost Her Daughter & Son-In-Law Kicks Her Out of House, Making Her Live on the Street

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An elderly woman lost her daughter, but that was just the beginning of the devastating blows coming her way. She faced disaster after disaster and was vulnerable because of her sudden uncertainty.

A 78-year-old woman named Nelly Marín de Álvarez faced more heartache than most people will ever experience. She lost her beloved child in a tragic car accident and was left to raise her grandson alone.

Marín de Álvarez grieved deeply following her daughter’s death but found solace in caring for her grandson. However, she was forced to confront another unforeseen and devastating problem after the traumatic ordeal.

In November 2022, Marín de Álvarez’s son-in-law, through a judge, evicted her from the home she had lived in for over 20 years.

Despite paying for the services of the house, including property tax, and fees, Marín de Álvarez was not allowed back in and was thrown to the curb like a stranger.

The case went to court, and a judge in Piedecuesta, Colombia, ordered the woman to leave her home, putting a padlock on the door and leaving her with nothing but the clothes on her back.

Marín de Álvarez walked the streets with her backpack and long hair, dressed in the same clothes daily.

The judge did not allow Marín de Álvarez to take any of her belongings, including her most cherished possessions.

Since then, the woman was forced to live on the street outside the entrance of the house she once called her home. She was exposed to the elements without any access to the necessities of life.

Marín de Álvarez’s health also deteriorated, and the sadness on her face was a testament to the cruelty and injustice she had suffered. The bitter dispute centered on the property’s rightful owner, with the woman’s son-in-law claiming it as his own.

Marín de Álvarez’s neighbors were the ones who brought her story to the attention of the media, demanding justice for the elderly woman who had been left in such a vulnerable position.

The neighbors expressed their outrage and disbelief, highlighting her right to be in her home. According to a woman who knew Marín de Álvarez, the elderly woman was mistreated.

Marín de Álvarez was absent when the lock was put on and received no notification beforehand. The community was waiting for a solution and hoping that justice would prevail. Another neighbor, Ludy Toloza, shared:

“As soon as we saw that he was there, we offered her lodging, even food, clothing, and what is necessary so that she can bathe and wash her clothes. I do not know the reasons that the judge had to decide she had to sleep outside.”

Marín de Álvarez walked the streets with her backpack and long hair, dressed in the same clothes daily. She even slept on the streets, and the reality led neighbors to act on her behalf.

They called for her house to be returned to her so she could live her final years in peace and comfort. They also hoped that the law would protect the rights of older people, who are often at risk of exploitation and abuse

The devastating situation caused Marín de Álvarez to lose weight, and sadness engulfed her as she struggled to figure out what to do next. Even the municipality of Piedecuesta failed to show any compassion for her plight.

“I smile on the outside, but I’m crying on the inside, and I’m deteriorating” were the words of the heartbroken woman who was left without a roof over her head.

The community rallied behind Marín de Álvarez’s cause, and in a show of support, neighbors put up banners demanding the rights of the elderly.

Marín de Álvarez also had the help of a defense attorney fighting her case and attempting to appeal the judge’s decision. Neighbor Toloza stated:

“I understand that they are waiting to see the ruling of the Supreme Court, but they are taking a long time and are going to give the ruling when [Marín de Álvarez] can no longer enter due to her age.”

If the woman’s son-in-law was ultimately given the house and Marín de Álvarez was permanently evicted, the community vowed to take matters into their own hands and forcibly retrieve her belongings from the property.

It is heartening to see the community come together to demand justice for Marín de Álvarez. Her story reminds us of the world’s need for more compassion, empathy, and kindness

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