
Old Man Rescues Tiny Girl With a Giant Belly, but 30 Minutes Later, He Discovers Something Terrible

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This old man was sitting quietly in his living room when he suddenly heard someone uttering a loud piercing cry. So the Old Man rushed to the window and saw a little girl in the next house, crouching on the ground and grasping her stomach.

He could tell that she was in lots of pain. Why wasn’t anyone coming out to help her? The old man wondered. As he flung his door open and rushed to the girl’s house, he would discover something terrible in a few minutes.

For some people, the city in which they live is a symbol of fulfillment and happiness, and for others, it can spell terror or grief. But for Igor, Chernobyl spelled happiness. It was the place where he had found true love, his wife Marichka, and where he planned to spend the rest of his life with her. Marichka felt the same way about the city too.

She loved the serene atmosphere, the friendly nature of its citizens, the culture, and the food. So the couple made plans: they would give birth to all their kids and raise them here, and then grow old together and die here. Sadly, one by one, life and the city itself would take away from this couple everything they held dear, leaving them heartbroken and hopeless. And it all started in……Read Full Story Here………

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