
OOF! Maggie Haberman Says Throngs of Trumpworld People Texted Her Celebrating ‘Wonderful’ Trump Indictment

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New York Times correspondent, best-selling author, and CNN analyst Maggie Haberman said she personally got texts from Trumpworld figures celebrating the indictment of former President Donald Trump.

News broke on Thursday afternoon that Trump has been indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s grand jury investigating the circumstances around hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

Within minutes of that news breaking, Haberman reported getting texts from Trump Organization contacts she has developed over years of reporting on Trump in New York.

On Friday morning’s edition of CNN This Morning, Haberman filled in some more detail on the texts, and the inner workings at Mar-a-Lago:

KAITLAN COLLINS: Anther question about your reporting yesterday, which is that as this was coming out there were people who worked in the Trump Organization that were quietly cheering this.

MAGGIE HABERMAN: You said, and by quietly, I’m sure they were loudly on their end of the phone, but were texting me. And there was there is a long trail of people who feel burned in one way or another by Donald Trump. We certainly saw that in the White House. This was a pattern that existed for decades before the Trump Organization.

And the number of people I heard from yesterday who worked for his company, who were really happy. One person texted with the words “wonderful news!”

And that really sort of tells you something about where these folks heads are.

POPPY HARLOW: I was fascinated last night, as you know, Kaitlan was on the air. I’m listening to her. I’m reading your reporting in real time in the Times about what’s happening behind the scenes at Mar-a-Lago right now.

MAGGIE HABERMAN: Well, like like we said, they were caught by surprise. I think I think some of Trump’s advisers learned it from me and my colleagues that this was happening. I think they recalibrated quickly.

He’s very angry and should not really surprise anybody. I don’t think that means that he’s throwing staplers, but I think he’s, you know, he’s really angry. Everything that you were saying in his statement about how this is, you know, a political persecution or a political prosecution, I think, is something that he genuinely believes. And I expect that it is going to be said with greater degrees of intensity.

There’s so much, I just want to stress we expect to or it’s likely that he’s going to surrender on Tuesday. They’re still working out how that’s going to look. You know, this is not an ordinary defendant. He comes with a phalanx of Secret Service. This is going to require multi-agency protection. He’s not just any other defendant in reality.

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