Orca Got Stuck and Cried for Hours. When Rescuers Arrived, Something Incredible Happens

The last location one would anticipate encountering an orca is on dry land, yet that’s precisely what Eric Keen discovered during his investigation of peculiar sounds while navigating the waters around British Columbia on an early July morning in 2015.

Eric, a whale researcher, was aboard his vessel, the Bangarang, engaged in a study on fin whales in the region when he discerned plaintive cries emanating from a small rocky outcrop on the shore of Andrew Rocks. A distressed young orca was visibly stuck between sharp rocks, gradually becoming more exposed as the water receded. Around 7:30 am, Eric contacted the local environmental group, Whale Point, to report his discovery. Based on Eric’s detailed account, the orca experts at Save Our Seas, Janie Ray, and Hermann Muter quickly grasped the dire situation unfolding…..Read Full Story Here……..