
OUT WITH A WHIMPER: Disbanding Jan 6th Panel Drops President Trump Subpoena – Trump Responds

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The Jan 6th panel is disbanding.

They announced they are dropping their subpoena of Donald Trump.

Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson sent a letter to Trump’s attorney stating “therefore, through this letter, I hereby formally withdraw the subpoena issued to former President Trump, and notify you that he is no longer obligated to comply or produce records in response to said subpoena.”

The House Jan. 6 committee on Wednesday withdrew a subpoena issued to former President Donald Trump as the panel prepares to disband, according to a report.

Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss) reportedly notified Trump’s attorney on Wednesday that the panel’s subpoena against the 76-year-old former president, issued in October, has been rescinded and that he no longer needs to comply with document requests, according to CNN.

“In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the Select Committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena,” Thompson wrote in a letter to Trump’s attorney obtained by CNN.

“Therefore, through this letter, I hereby formally withdraw the subpoena issued to former President Trump, and notify you that he is no longer obligated to comply or produce records in response to said subpoena,” Thompson added

In a Truth Social post, Donald Trump said they probably withdrew the subpoena because they knew he did nothing wrong or were going to lose in court.

Truth Social:

Was just advised that the Unselect Committee of political Thugs has withdrawn the Subpoena of me concerning the January 6th Protest of the CROOKED 2020 Presidential Election. They probably did so because they knew I did nothing wrong, or they were about to lose in Court. Perhaps the FBI’s involvement in RIGGING the Election played into their decision. In any event, the Subpoena is DEAD!

Despite dropping the subpoena, the Jan 6th panel referred Trump for criminal charges.

The Epoch Times reported:

A U.S. House of Representatives panel on Dec. 19 voted to refer former President Donald Trump for criminal charges, including a charge that would, if a conviction is secured, bar him from becoming president again.

Members of the select committee to investigate the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol cast votes for the four referrals during a hearing in Washington. They unanimously voted to refer insurrection, obstruction of an official proceeding, making a false statement to the federal government, and conspiracy to defraud the federal government to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), where prosecutors will ultimately determine whether to act on the recommendations.

“Accountability … can only be found in the criminal justice system. We have every confidence that the work of this committee will help provide a roadmap to justice and that the agencies and the institutions responsible for ensuring justice under the law will use the information that we provided to aid in their work,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chairman of the panel.

Trump wins again!

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