Paralyzed Man Adopts Strange Girl Nobody Wanted. Years Later, Something Unbelievable Happened

Sean was a black disabled man who adopted a young white girl. She was ostracized by her community because of a gift she possessed that few people understood. Years later, something unbelievable and incredible happened that not only changed Sean’s life but affected the whole community.

Sean was in his late 20s when an automobile accident left him paralyzed from the waist down. Before the accident, he was training to be a firefighter.
He always wanted to serve his community, but his dreams and ambitions were cut short when, on that fateful day, a drunk truck driver smashed into his vehicle. Sean was lucky to be alive, and for a while, the doctors had little hope that he would survive. But after a few weeks in the hospital, he pulled through.
This young man was grateful that he got a second chance and wanted to make the best of the life ahead. Keeping his spirits and his mind positive would forever be an uphill battle. The state awarded him a disability grant by which he could live, but he wanted to….Read Full Story Here……….