PATHETIC: Disgraced and Corrupt RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel Calls Kari Lake a Failed Candidate After Ronna Did Nothing in Arizona

McDaniel seems determined to anger every last Republican grassroots supporter as her RNC re-election campaign flounders. Her appearance yesterday on Newsmax should serve as another crowning blow to her demise.
The three-time RNC loser went on the conservative network to speak about her quest to become the Buffalo Bills of party chairs. Then she brought up the Arizona debacle while absolving herself of all responsibility.
This little rant raises two pertinent questions for McDaniel:
Why did the RNC not push RINO Karrin Taylor Robson, the GOP gubernatorial primary runner-up, to support Kari Lake? Even establishment Republican Doug Ducey eventually got onboard.
What made McDaniel decide not to lift a finger as election irregularities were being uncovered in the Grand Canyon State?
Just making one of these moves likely would have been enough for Kari Lake to overcome 17,000 vote-deficit. Yet McDaniel sat on her hands.
Sadly, we all know what matter most to McDaniel: living large off the money of donors. Private jets, luxury hotels, and Broadway shows take precedent while Republican candidates continue to drown.
Unlike McDaniel, her main challenger Harmeet Dhillon has been a true warrior for the conservative base, Republican candidates, and election integrity. She has proven a great help in Arizona, for example.
She also thinks quite highly of Lake unlike the corrupt McDaniel.
Finally, she believes in bringing the RNC closer to the people. Some much needed common sense which seems in short supply today.
Dhillon summed up quite succinctly why she wants the lead the Republican party in one sentence:
“I’m tired of losing as a Republican.”
Time fire McDaniel and hire Dhillon. Republicans must start winning again.