People Call us Witch, No One Wants to Marry us Because of Our Strange Condition-Lady Painfully Says

My name is Ruth Gloria Obonyo, this is where I live. What kind of life were you brought up in? Everything was okay; the family was okay, our parents were okay. But when we started getting sick, life wasn’t going on well for us.
My sister was going to church one day and she just dislocated her ankle; she could not walk, so she was taken to the hospital. But things got worse slowly by slowly; the leg started swelling. The pain was on and off but each time the leg kept growing big.

At the hospital, they used to give her pain killers; the pain would subside but the swelling kept growing. The leg grew even bigger then stopped, and now the other one got affected. She was taken to so many hospitals, but there was no medication. Mom was even advised to try out the natural remedies. They did not succeed; my sister, who was in class 7 by that time, had to……CONTINUE.READING.FULL.STORY.HERE….>>>>