People screamed when they saw what these dogs were doing to an old blind woman in the river

Aurelia cried at birth like all babies, but her cry remained in the doctor’s memory until the day he died. He said that he had never heard or heard again in his life a way of crying more pitiful than Aurelia’s, as if she brought with her all the misfortunes and knew from the first day of her birth that in the world there would be nothing easy for her.

Aurelia was given up for adoption from that day on because her parents couldn’t take care of her, although she was a pretty girl and behaved politely in the orphanage. They always chose others over her, so she lived from orphanage to orphanage until she became an adult. Of course, during all that time, young Aurelia had suffered from various illnesses due to overwork.
When she could no longer stay at the orphanage, she was forced to go out into a world she didn’t know how to cope with. For this reason, the following years were a chain of tireless work in exchange for meager food and a shack where she had no protection of any kind. From time to time, men arrived who paid her a little more for her company but left her as empty and devastated as before. As a result of these encounters, Aurelia became……Read Full Story Here..…….