Police Encounter Abandoned Young Boy at the Border, Then They Find Disturbing Note Left in His Backpack

A tragic video that highlights the true costs of failing to uphold the law has surfaced as the crisis at the southern border becomes worse by the hour.
An unaccompanied little child from Central America who had been discovered by another immigrant lady was seen by Texas state police officers near a border in a video that Newsnation journalist Jorge Ventura uploaded on Twitter on Tuesday.
He was trying to enter Texas, according to the woman who discovered him. But things quickly got worse. A homemade ID with a Louisiana address and directions to his destination was discovered by police when they searched the youngster.
If the ID they discovered on him is any clue, a grown-up had dispatched him on that perilous voyage by himself to meet someone in the United States, most likely in Louisiana.
His meeting with a group of Chinese nationals who had entered Texas illegally only serves to underscore how much worse the situation at the southern border has grown in comparison to Central American immigration.
Naturally, people’s reactions to the heartbreaking video included expressions of sadness and disgust that someone would be allowed to allow a young child to cross the border perilously and illegally on his own.
Yet, one Twitter user made it clear who he held accountable for this sad incident: the Biden administration. “This is terrible… This issue is directly attributable to the current government. He is 100% correct; Joe Biden’s decision to oppose the enforcement of immigration rules is to blame for this.
It is commonly known that as long as the southern border is left unlocked, illegal immigrants will continue to pour into the nation, endangering both the security of Americans living close to the border and the nation as a whole.
The reality that these policies also damage the migrants by encouraging them to go on a nefarious voyage that might endanger their lives is probably less well-documented.
This tiny youngster is an actual illustration of that. Thankfully, it appears that the Texas state police were successful in locating the young youngster before anything bad occurred to him. Yet, not everyone is as fortunate.
These young, unaccompanied youngsters are a popular target for human traffickers and smugglers. Whoever forced this youngster go on this excursion seriously endangered his life