Police orders woman to open trunk but she wasn’t prepared for what was inside .
Thakur never considered herself a brain box as a child she was confused with letters and numbers often writing them backwards she found it difficult to digest information and was often left in tears trying to complete her homework she didn’t think she would amount to much.
However her mother had bigger plans Her mother sat with her every evening to do her homework .
when she arrived in the door from school she was greeted by a bowl of fruit salad and a tall glass of cranberry juice Chinese did everything in her power to try to avoid it and every time her mother would fetch her and sit her back down at the table.
Her mother wasn’t going to let her give up that easy soon Chinese began to excel she still got mixed up with her letters every now and again but she found a way to process information she would say a word spell it out loud and finally write it down.
Her mother made her repeat the process until she got it right neither of them expected her to find a love in her education her mother’s fondest memory was seeing her daughter in a cap and gown. although Chinese never thought that she would make it that far her mother never doubted her as a gift her mother bought her a second-hand car from their elderly next-door neighbor.
However one day, she was pulled over on her way to work and it made her question everything Chinese had no choice but to pull over after seeing the flashing blue lights officer Jenkins slowly made his way to her vehicle as she scrambled for her license she couldn’t afford a ticket as soon as he reached her window words began to splurge.
Did I miss the red light? I was going too fast he reached for his back pocket she had enough bills as it was the last thing she needed was a fine but she didn’t expect him to pull out this so this happened just now.
I get pulled and both brake lights decided to go out this time as he walked to the car and I was pulling out my stuff he quickly said, don’t worry about pulling anything out I just want you to know that your brake lights around..
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