Policeman Sees Own Photo in Old Stack of Missing Children Files, then discovers Unexpected – Touching Story (Video)

Policeman Sees Own Photo in Old Stack of Missing Children Files, then discovers Unexpected – Touching Story (Video)
Parker had seen some really tough days as a kid and grew up to become a successful cop one day he found his childhood photo in a stack of missing children’s case files and it revealed things about his past.
He had never imagined officer Parker taking a sip of black coffee from the paper couple he sat behind the desk rereading the Case Files and pulled an all-nighter again you better look into the mirror once in a while, man his partner officer reset as he walked in case dude signed officer Parker tossing the file on his table I’m not sure who’s lying and guess, what? I went over their statements 10 times is it their housekeeper or children was everyone in on it together.
Molly still got some time for that wanna grab a quick breakfast? my wife was asleep so she didn’t cook your treat asked officer Parker looks like it smiled officer Reese with the coffee’s on you so the two cops drove down to the street to the old Resto Cafe grabbed a double chicken sandwich and some coffee and returned to the station to review the files.
They were both working on a case involving the murder of a millionaire businessman and his wife while officers race and Parker were discussing the case File something came to officer Parker’s mind I believe a similar case occurred in the early 2000s he said they had closed the case because they only had circumstantial evidence not admissible in corn.
I remember it too officer reset it so I asked Chad to get the old case files from the storeroom by the way let’s call the maid for questioning again reader’s statement she doesn’t have an alibi after 11 pm that night she claimed to be sleeping but who knows from your ride said officer Parker hey Chad here!!, the clerk Chad brought the files and officer Parker pulled out the case File of Cynthia R who’d gone missing in 2001 while looking for possible leads that day.
Officer Parker also chanced upon a stack of Case Files of missing children he opened one of the files out of curiosity to see if it contained information about Cynthia’s case and was surprised to see his childhood photo inside
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