Poor Man Married a Beautiful Woman, Days Later He Arrives Home Without Notice And Cries When He Sees

A poor man married a beautiful woman. Days later, he arrived home without notice and cried when he saw her. It’s a life story of a woman who works night shifts at a gas station. There, she notices a homeless man who helps her sort the trash.
One day, she gives him tea, but the man disappears the next day. There were no customers inside the station, and the woman was in her small room sheltering from the cold and waiting for a vehicle to come to the station to refuel.

As she looked through the window panes, she noticed a homeless man wandering inside the station. He went towards the garbage can in front of the store’s door and started looking through it. Svetlana, the woman, did not want to expel him since there were surveillance cameras spread all over the station. It’s certain that the station superintendent saw this vagabond and is responsible for his expulsion.
The homeless man looked through the trash for about an hour, and no one approached him to drive him away. Most likely, the camera observer was not aware of what was happening; he was probably asleep. Svetlana was happy for the hobo; he was calm and didn’t do anything wrong. He even returned things that….Read Full Story Here………