Deacon Ross, a two-year-old from East Dallas, Texas, had a special best buddy named O’Dee, a sanitation worker who stopped by his house every Friday. Unfortunately, the two had to say their goodbyes because the Ross family relocated to a larger home.
Deacon could not contain his delight when Friday arrives, according to Summer, his mother. The reason was the garbage truck was approaching Ross’ street from around the corner every Friday. Deacon’s residence was always visited by the local sanitation worker, O’Dee. Normally, the toddler and O’Dee exchanged a few words after giving each other a friendly fist bump. Deacon’s mother explained, “He struck up this friendship with O Dee.
The family had to move to a new home outside of O’Dee’s garbage route since Deacon, who already had an elder sister, was going to become a big brother.
Deacon responded proudly, “Ooooo Dee!” when asked who his best friend was. Deacon’s mother told O’Dee that her son even intends to call his unborn sibling after his best friend’s name. “He wants to name the baby O’Dee,” Summer said, smiling.
When O’Dee’s truck arrived, the small child joyously raised his tiny arms in the air, saying, “O’Dee coming! O’Dee coming!”. With a “What’s up, man?” and a fist bump, O’Dee greeted Deacon. O’Dee jumped into Deacon’s arms as he met him.
For Deacon’s farewell party, his mother packed a basket full of cookies and presents. The small boy offered it to his friend, and the pair said their goodbyes.
Deacon’s older sister said, “It’s our last day seeing my brother’s friend, O Dee.”
“I’ll miss you too,” O’Dee said as the pair separated for what may be the final time. When asked, “Did you know how much this boy loves you?” O’Dee replied, “I didn’t know… But I could see.”
Summer was confident that her son comprehends the meaning of friendship. “I think that this is Deacon’s first friend, that he really understands what friendship is,” she said.
However, she was unsure if Deacon realizes that he might not see O’Dee after they leave. Summer remarked in the video, “I don’t think he really understands that this could be the last time that he sees O’Dee.”