A young pregnant woman has a heart attack and dies before she can be rescued. But during the funeral, when they are about to bury her, her husband notices a strange movement in her belly. What happens next leaves everyone in shock.
The day began with a ray of sunshine seeping through a gap in the curtain, slightly illuminating Julie’s room. Julie, a young 25-year-old woman, woke up with a yawn, stretching and welcoming the new day. With some difficulty, she got out of bed and went downstairs, resting her hands on her lower back, which ached slightly after an uncomfortable night’s sleep. When she arrived in the kitchen, she found her husband, Bryce, already preparing breakfast. He turned when he heard her enter and smiled warmly.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” he said, kissing his wife on the forehead. “How was your night? Did you sleep well?”
Julie yawned widely before answering, “I only managed to fall asleep after the twins stopped kicking,” she said, running her hand over her large belly. Julie was seven months pregnant, a risky pregnancy due to her weak heart, and the mother-to-be’s nightly rest was marked by several interruptions with the babies wriggling around inside her.
“They must be playing soccer in there,” Bryce joked, giving his wife a tender kiss on the belly.
Julie laughed lightly. “It looks like it. I think we’ll have two energetic players.”
The young couple had breakfast together, enjoying the calm of the morning. Julie savored the aroma of the coffee, even though she couldn’t drink it due to her pregnancy. She settled for her chamomile tea while watching Bryce devour his toast and eggs.
“I have an important meeting today,” commented Bryce, sipping his coffee. “If everything goes well and the client closes a deal with us, it could be a good opportunity for us. We’ll have more money coming in next month.”
“It’ll work out, honey,” said Julie, gently holding her husband’s hand with a confident smile. “You can do it.”
After breakfast, Bryce got ready to leave. He was an accountant and had a small accounting firm. He spent most of the day at work, always trying to make an extra income since Julie had taken time off from her job as a lawyer to focus on her pregnancy.
“Take care, sweetheart,” said Bryce, kissing his wife on the forehead before leaving. “If you need anything, I’m just a phone call away.”
Julie nodded, watching him walk out the door. She felt grateful for the routine they had established, even if it meant spending more time alone at home. The house was quiet after Bryce’s departure, and Julie took the opportunity to organize some things in the baby’s room. As she tidied up little clothes and toys, she couldn’t help thinking about what life would be like when the twins arrived. The anxiety and joy were palpable, and she found herself talking to her belly.
“Be nice to Mommy today, okay?” she whispered, gently stroking her belly. “We have a long day ahead of us.”
Julie sat on the couch in the living room, picking up a book about motherhood. The reading was an attempt to prepare herself for the challenges ahead. She knew the journey wouldn’t be easy, but she was determined to be the best mother for her children. The movements of the babies inside her were a constant reminder of what was to come, and she was ready for anything.
Meanwhile, Bryce arrived at his office, looking forward to his meeting that morning. His client was a small cosmetics company that was looking for a promising partnership. If all went well, Bryce would earn a large commission every month, which would mean financial relief for him and Julie in the face of the imminent costs with the arrival of the twins.
“If one baby is expensive, imagine two,” he thought with a slight smile, mixing nervousness with anticipation.
“The presentation is ready and everything is in order,” said Mark, his partner, happy with the good work they had done. Mark was a young law graduate with little experience but extremely dedicated to working in Bryce’s small company. The two of them carefully prepared the small meeting room, setting out freshly brewed coffee and some cookies to serve the clients.
Bryce tried to stay calm as he mentally went over the main points of the presentation. For the time being, there were only three of them in the company: Bryce, the company’s owner and main accountant; Lucy, his dedicated assistant who lightened the administrative workload; and Mark, responsible for the legal side of things. Each played a crucial role in the running of the small accounting firm that Bryce had built from scratch.
Bryce had always been a determined entrepreneur, ever since his college days when he started providing accounting advice to small local businesses. Over time, his clientele grew, and he saw the opportunity to open his own office. With a lot of dedication and effort, he built up his accounting firm over the years, facing challenges and learning from every obstacle he encountered. He was particularly proud of his achievements, not only in terms of business but also in his personal life. But his greatest achievement was Julie, the girl of his dreams, whom he had met during college. Since then, they had shared many moments together, supporting each other in their ambitions and dreams. Julie was not only his wife but his life partner, his soulmate, someone who understood the sacrifices needed to build a future together.
Even with the financial challenges and the pressure of growing their family with the arrival of twins, they maintained a strong and trusting union. And the three of them in the company formed a cohesive team, with Bryce leading with vision and determination, Lucy bringing organization and efficiency to the day-to-day tasks, and Mark contributing his legal expertise that perfectly complemented Bryce’s skills.
Together, they had faced difficult times and celebrated significant achievements over the years. Bryce reflected with gratitude on how his life had changed from his days as a university student to the present. Building his company was not just a professional achievement but proof of his ability to overcome challenges and pursue his dreams with determination. And with Julie by his side, he felt ready to face whatever obstacles the future held for them.
Gradually, the representatives of the cosmetics company began to arrive. Bryce greeted everyone with a confident smile, hiding the nerves that were taking over inside him. The meeting began with a brief exchange of introductions, and then they went into the details of the proposed deal. Bryce conducted the presentation with confidence, highlighting the benefits of the partnership and the competitive advantages that the cosmetics company would have by doing business with them. The hours passed quickly as they discussed terms and conditions. Bryce felt increasingly optimistic as he noticed the representatives’ growing interest in what they were offering. He couldn’t stop thinking about Julie and the twins, imagining what it would be like if they could provide more comfort and security for the family with the income he would receive from this partnership.
“I think we’re getting to a good start here,” commented Bryce with a discreet smile. “Let’s adjust these final details, and well, that’s it.”
After some final negotiations, they reached a preliminary agreement. The representatives of the cosmetics company seemed satisfied, and Bryce felt a weight come off his shoulders. They shook hands in agreement, ending the meeting with promises to go ahead with the formal contract. With a sigh of relief, Bryce thanked everyone for the opportunity and said goodbye with a genuine smile. He knew there was still a lot of work ahead of him, but the first crucial step had been taken. He left the meeting room with a mixture of pride in what he had achieved and anxiety about what was to come. As he entered his office, he picked up his cell phone to call Julie and tell her the good news. He felt grateful to have Julie by his side, supporting him at all times. She was his greatest achievement, apart from his professional success.
However, the phone rang and rang, but no one answered. “Is she busy? Maybe taking a shower,” Bryce thought, leaving the good news to be told when he got home.
The hours at work dragged on, and a strange feeling began to take over Bryce’s thoughts. “Is she all right?” he thought, deciding to call Julie again. And again, the phone rang and rang, but no one answered. Bryce felt a wave of worry invade his being. “Something’s wrong,” he thought, as fear began to grip his heart.
Julie had suffered from cardiac arrhythmia since she was young, but during her pregnancy, her condition was under control due to the rigorous treatment she was following. However, the possibility of an episode always hung over Bryce’s mind—a constant worry that was now intensified by the silence of the phone.
As he spent most of the day at work, Bryce used to call Julie regularly to check on her, but this time, every missed call increased his anxiety. Worried, he decided to finish work early and go home to check if Julie was okay.
“Let’s call it a day, Mark. You can go home. I’m going home now,” he said, hurrying out of the office.
On the way home, Bryce tried to call Julie a few more times. The phone kept ringing without an answer. His heart was pounding as he drove as fast as he could. When he parked the car in the garage, Bryce jumped out of the vehicle and ran into the house.
“Sweetheart!” he called out, entering the house, but no reply.
Bryce quickly searched the house, calling for Julie, until he found her lying unconscious on the floor of the baby’s room.
“Julie! Oh my God, no, no, no! Please wake up!” he shouted while desperately calling the emergency service. “Hello, my wife needs help! Please come quickly,” said Bryce in a shaky voice, trying to stay calm while the rescuers on the other end of the line gave instructions for first aid.
While he waited for the ambulance, Bryce held Julie’s hand, feeling the despair growing inside him. “You’ll be fine, my love. Stay with me,”
he murmured, stroking Julie’s pale face. Time seemed to drag on as he waited for help, praying that she would wake up.
When the paramedics arrived, Bryce quickly explained the situation, and they began to assess Julie. However, to the poor man’s horror, the paramedics started exchanging glances that Bryce couldn’t identify. And that’s when they gave the worst news that a father-to-be could ever receive.
“Sir, your wife… she… she passed away,” said one of the doctors with a compassionate tone.
“What?” Bryce asked, stunned. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“She has no pulse. It seems that your wife has suffered a cardiac arrest, but it seems to have happened a couple of hours ago. And because of the lack of help at the moment… well, she didn’t make it, sir. I’m sorry,” revealed the doctor.
Bryce felt his own heart stop, and for a second, he even lost his breath. “Dead for hours?” he thought, stunned. “But what about the babies, my sons?” he asked, placing his hand on Julie’s belly.
“They didn’t make it either, sir. We’re really sorry, but we’ll have to take the body,” said another paramedic.
That night, after the rescue team left with the body of his beloved wife, Bryce found himself completely distraught and alone in the difficult task of informing his relatives of the terrible news. Every call was torture. The hardest part was calling Julie’s parents. When they learned of the tragic fate of their daughter and grandchildren, they entered a world of sadness and mourning. Julie’s mother’s anguished cries echoed through the phone, breaking Bryce’s heart even more.
That night, Bryce couldn’t sleep. What was supposed to be a day of celebration and joy had turned into the worst day of his life. As well as losing the love of his life, Bryce had also lost his children. His head ached, and his eyes stung from crying. He felt an excruciating pain in his chest—a pain that no medicine could relieve. The pain of loss and mourning was more than he could bear.
The next day dawned with a pale gray sun, a reflection of the sadness that haunted that poor man. First thing in the morning, the whole family gathered in the couple’s small house to plan the funeral. Bryce’s parents didn’t know how to comfort their son. His mother, in particular, was inconsolable when she saw her son’s poor condition. Julie’s family, made up of her parents and two brothers, were equally devastated. The house, which had once been full of life and laughter, was now plunged into a deep, dark silence.
By the afternoon, all the arrangements had been made, and Julie’s funeral began. Family and friends arrived at the small cemetery to pay their respects. Bryce was standing in front of his wife’s open coffin. Julie lay there, her face serene, almost as if she was just in a deep sleep. Her hands rested on her still-large belly—a sad and devastating scene, the image of the mother she would never be.
The service went ahead while a fine rain began to fall. It was as if the heavens were weeping for the loss of young Julie. The pastor spoke beautiful words, offering comfort to the family and friends, and then it was time to say the last goodbye. Bryce gently held Julie’s hand with one hand and rested the other on her belly.
“Forgive me, sweetheart. I should have been there for you. Please don’t leave me here alone,” he said, his voice breaking. With one last kiss on his wife’s forehead, he said goodbye, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces.
But then, a miracle happened. As the gravedigger and his assistant began to close the coffin, something caught Bryce’s eye. He thought he caught a slight movement in Julie’s belly—something almost imperceptible.
“Wait!” he shouted. “Look!” he said, pointing at Julie’s belly.
All eyes turned to the young woman’s still-motionless body. But this time, the movement of her belly was seen by all—a kick.
“They’re alive!” Bryce shouted, running over to his wife. “My children are alive!” he said, crying with emotion.
But the miracle didn’t stop there. Julie suddenly opened her eyes, and the sound of a deep sigh escaped her lips. Her chest rose and fell with a renewed breath. The move was so unexpected that it caused a wave of screams and fainting among the guests. Some people backed away, frightened and incredulous, while others fell to their knees, murmuring prayers of gratitude.
Bryce, paralyzed for a moment, felt his heart race. He could hardly believe what he had just witnessed.
“My love!” he shouted, full of emotion. “She’s alive! Call a doctor!” His voice trembled with a mixture of joy and despair.
The surrounding guests were in a state of shock. The crowd moved frantically. Someone quickly called the emergency services again, and others helped to lift Julie carefully. Soon, the paramedics arrived, making their way through the frightened guests.
“Let us through, make way!” the doctor ordered. Kneeling down next to Julie, he quickly checked the young woman’s vital signs while Bryce held his wife’s hand tightly, tears streaming down his face.
“We need to take her to the hospital immediately,” said the doctor as they placed her on the stretcher.
Julie looked at Bryce, her eyes, although tired, were full of life. “Honey,” she murmured, her voice weak but clear.
“I’m here, sweetheart,” Bryce replied, holding her hand even tighter. “You’ve come back to me.”
The ambulance left at high speed, with Bryce by Julie’s side, holding her hand and murmuring words of encouragement. News of the miracle spread quickly among friends and family, who headed to the hospital in their cars, still stunned by what they had witnessed.
Inside the ambulance, the paramedic constantly checked Julie’s vital signs while Bryce kept his eyes on her at all times. “I’m here, love. I’m here,” he repeated like a mantra.
When they arrived at the hospital, a medical team was already prepared to receive her. Julie was quickly taken to the emergency room while Bryce waited anxiously outside. He closed his eyes and prayed, giving thanks for the miracle and asking for the strength to face whatever lay ahead.
Over the next few hours, Bryce waited anxiously for news. When Dr. Miller, the doctor in charge, finally appeared, Bryce ran to him.
“How is she, doctor? And the babies?” he asked, his voice full of concern.
“Julie is stable, and so are the babies. It was a real miracle,” Dr. Miller replied with a reassuring smile.
Bryce felt a wave of relief and gratitude. The doctor went on to explain that Julie had suffered Lazarus Syndrome. After suffering the episode of cardiac arrhythmia that resulted in a heart attack the day before, Julie’s heart was beating so weakly that it went unnoticed by the medical team, who, because they couldn’t find a pulse, assumed that the young woman had died. But after almost 24 hours, her body began to recover, although very slowly, and it was then, at her own funeral, that Julie woke up.
After everything was clarified, Julie’s family thanked God they hadn’t buried their daughter alive. It would have been the biggest mistake of their lives. With all her husband’s support and the necessary medical care, Julie was back to being the same lively, healthy young woman she always was. Bryce, for his part, reduced his working hours to devote more time to his wife. And now, with the prospect of a higher salary due to the partnership he had secured, the couple’s life was more comfortable than ever.
The months passed, and the arrival of the twins—two healthy little boys—marked the beginning of a new chapter in the couple’s life, a chapter full of love, happiness, and above all, companionship. Julie’s miracle became known throughout the city and was a testimony to the fact that love always prevails in the end.