
“President Donald J. Trump is the Only Person in Either Party Saying Let’s Put the Brakes on This. Let’s NOT Escalate to Nuclear Weapons After Tanks.” – Liz Harrington on President Trump (Video)

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Liz Harrington, Spokesperson for President Trump, joined the War Room and Steve Bannon to discuss President Trump’s response to Ronna McDaniel winning the RNC Chair position and President Trump’s talk today. President Trump is the only politician in the US today calling for peace.

Harrington is President Trump’s Chief Communication Strategist. She used to work at the RNC and at the War Room before joining President Trump’s team.

In response to Ronna Romney McDaniel’s win in the RNC race, Harrington said she echos the President:

Congratulations, now let’s stop the cheating. Let’s stop Democrats from cheating. Stop the uniparty from cheating. And I think that has to be the top priority. And I absolutely hope she (Romney McDaniel) is sincere…The American people have had it.

In response to what she would say to the millions of Trump supporters who just don’t think they are being listened to by the RNC, Harrington shared:

They should not give up and hold their feet to the fire…The pressure needs to continue.

In regards to President Trump’s speech today in New Hampshire, Harrington says:

President Donald J. Trump is the only person in either party saying let’s put the brakes on this. Let’s not escalate to nuclear weapons after tanks. He’s leading on this because he’s the only person who doesn’t support endless wars.

We saw this in his first term. For the first time in generations we didn’t get into overseas entanglements…

Watch this excellent interview below:

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