
President Trump Calls On Arizona Republicans To “DEMAND A STATEWIDE HAND RECOUNT AND ABE WILL WIN!” After Recount Finds Hundreds of New Votes For Abe Hamadeh

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President Trump weighed in on the Arizona 2022 Election for Attorney General, calling for a full hand recount of the votes.

President Trump released a statement saying, “ABE WILL WIN!

Abe’s race against radical leftist Kris Mayes was initially called by just 511 out of over 2.5 million votes. However, as The Gateway Pundit reported, a miscount of votes in rural Pinal County discovered hundreds of new votes for Hamadeh, bringing Mayes’ lead to just 280 votes.

Hamadeh told The Gateway Pundit that he plans to file an appeal after a Maricopa County Superior Court Judge dismissed his lawsuit contesting the 2022 Midterm Election.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Arizona Secretary of State and lawsuit Defendant Katie Hobbs used her office to delay presenting recount results in court to deceive the court and because “they knew the results of the recount was going to show a LARGE discrepancy due to tabulation errors, ” says Abe.

Abe tweeted that the ballot recount “simply puts the ballots back through a machine” and “does not go through every ballot determining intent.” Provisional ballots and door 3 ballots from Maricopa County, where voters were told to dump their ballots when the tabulation machines were potentially sabotaged.

The errors found in Pinal County give us the exact necessary evidence to go back into court to have a real inspection of the ballots to determine voter intent that was denied to us originally. This race was the closest race in Arizona history at 511 and at 280 is even more so now

— Abe Hamadeh (@AbrahamHamadeh) December 30, 2022

The Gateway Pundit reported extensively on the disenfranchisement of Republican Election Day voters in Maricopa County, where over 1.5 million voters turned out for the Attorney General contest.

According to cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh’s testimony on day one of Kari Lake’s recent election trial, this was an intentional act aimed at disenfranchising Republican voters who turned out 3:1 for Trump-Endorsed candidates.

President Trump delivered the following statement on his website today:

President Trump: Abe Hamadeh, a very accomplished legal mind who served our country in the Army, gained more than 400 votes in a small portion of the recount (more than half the deficit) for Arizona AG, proving there was massive inconsistencies with how the votes were counted. REPUBLICANS SHOULD DEMAND A STATEWIDE HAND RECOUNT AND ABE WILL WIN! That is the only way forward. Arizona voters are being disenfranchised–They deserve a REAL election!

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