
President Trump Says We Need a Leader to Stand Up to the RINOs – Lindsey Graham Laughs in the Background (VIDEO)

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President Trump gave a moving speech in South Carolina on Saturday as he announced his leadership team in the state. When he pointed out RINOs, US Senator Lindsey Graham laughed.

President Trump introduced his leadership team in South Carolina yesterday and according to many, it was a great speech.

During President Trump’s speech, Lindsey Graham was standing behind him. When the President said that the country needs a leader who will stand up to the RINOs, globalists and China, Lindsey Graham laughed.

Senator Graham has proven over and over that he is one of those nasty RINOs. Although he might pretend to be something different when he’s with President Trump, when he’s doing his own thing, he is a RINO.

For example, after the 2020 Election steal, an audio was released of Graham saying that the nation will unify around Joe Biden after the Jan 6 Deep State set up at the Capitol.

Graham promised to get to the bottom of the Mueller probe in 2018, but he lied. He did nothing.

Lindsey Graham is the RINO that America knows well. He’s not honest when he stands on the same stage as President Trump.

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