Priest Installs Camera to Find Out Who Was Stealing the Offering, But He WasSurprised to See Who Had been Stealing The Offering

Frank Jerome was a priest in charge of Saint Thomas Parish. He tried his best to lead his flock and make sure everything was done the right way. However, things began to go wrong when the church’s offerings suddenly started going missing. So, he had to investigate and find the culprit. What he would discover would shock you.
Frank Jerome was not a people person. It was not as if he chased people away or did things that kept him distant.
It was just the general aura around him. There was something about him that always kept people on their toes when they were with him. It was unexplainable but very real. Being around the priest made many people uncomfortable, so many parishioners chose to keep their distance.
Despite this, Frank Jerome managed to run the parish properly. He was frugal in the expenses of the church and made sure everything was in top shape all the time.
When he said Mass, he never kept it too long, and that was something the people liked about him. The previous priest always finished Mass late, but with Frank Jerome, it was rare for Mass to last more than two hours. Everything was going great in the church, and the people and priests found a way to coexist.
But then something happened that threatened to tear the parish apart. One morning, while checking the donations of the previous day, Frank Jerome noticed something disturbing—the offering basket was! Read Full Story Here.,,,