She was at work when she noticed that her patient, who had been in a coma for over a year, had started to move her hand. When they saw what she had written, they had to call the police.
It was a typical day at the city’s hospital, with the sun shining brightly in the blue sky, spreading an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The hospital was surprisingly quiet, something quite unusual for a place that used to be full of constant activity. Juliana, one of the nurses, walked along the corridors with a notepad in hand, checking on the status of the coma patients. When she reached Lillian’s room, a 35-year-old woman who had been in a coma for over a year, the young woman smiled softly and entered. The sunlight entered the room through the open windows, illuminating the place in a warm and inviting way.
The nurse approached her bed and, with a caring tone, started a conversation. “What’s up, Lily? Another beautiful day outside, huh? How are you today?” she asked, looking into Lillian’s closed eyes. She continued, “You won’t believe it, but the hospital is so quiet today. It’s rare to see this place like this, without the daily commotion. I also think it might rain; there are already some clouds forming.” As she spoke, she took the opportunity to adjust the sheets and fluff the pillow, making sure everything was comfortable. The nurse also checked that the medical equipment was working properly, looking at the woman’s vital signs on the monitor.
“You know, Lily, sometimes I wonder what it would be like if you woke up and could answer all my questions. I’d love to hear your voice,” she said with a sad smile. Lillian seemed at peace, as if she were sound asleep. The young woman, on an impulse, took her hand and held it for a moment, trying to convey her support and silent affection.
Who knows, maybe one day,” she reflected. She went back to tidying up the room as she watched the sky, already gathering a few gray clouds, blocking out the sun and threatening the tranquility of the day. Deciding it was better to close the windows before it started to rain, the nurse placed the notepad on the woman’s gurney for a brief second next to her hand. Suddenly, however, she heard the sound of the notepad falling to the floor.
Surprised, she quickly turned around and saw that Lillian’s hand was shaking. The scene made Juliana’s heart race, and she was paralyzed for a few seconds watching this miracle. She had no idea what was happening, as she had never seen anything like it before. She then ran to reception and called the doctor in charge on the intercom to assess the situation. “Dr. Richard, please come to Lillian’s room. Something very strange has happened,” she said, breathless and anxious.
While waiting for the doctor, the nurse continued to observe the woman’s hand, thinking about the possible reasons behind the phenomenon. And when Richard arrived, he was stunned too. “We’re going to carry out some tests to understand what’s going on,” he said restlessly. At that moment, the peaceful and calm atmosphere in the hospital turned to worry and apprehension. The rumor that a patient was coming out of a coma quickly reached the ears of all the staff, and a commotion began to form in the hospital.
After that episode, the medical team decided to carry out a battery of tests to understand the situation. They started with imaging tests such as MRI and CT scans, as well as electroencephalograms and blood tests. Juliana followed the whole process closely, concerned for Lily’s well-being. “Doctor, what could be happening to Lillian? Is she trying to communicate with us?” asked the nurse anxiously.
“Juliana, we can’t jump to conclusions right now. The tests will help us understand the situation better, especially since it’s quite unusual,” replied the man, trying to remain calm during the analysis. Lillian showed intriguing signs of brain activity. Although there were signs of reaction, the signals were difficult to capture and interpret. The patterns of her synapses were atypical, as if they were extremely weak or oscillating. This situation became a challenge for the doctors.
While the team was examining the results, another unexpected thing happened. The nurse noticed that the woman’s face seemed to change expression, as if she were trying to smile or frown. That was something incredible and intriguing. The doctor didn’t know what to do when they saw the subtle changes in her facial expressions. After all, it was something totally unexpected for someone in a coma.
“Dr. Richard, can you see that? There’s certainly something going on here,” said Juliana, astonished. “That’s… that’s incredible. But I don’t understand, her tests don’t match up. She shouldn’t be able to do any of these things according to the results. Her brain activity is so small, it doesn’t make any sense,” he commented, totally incredulous.
The medical team looked closely at Lillian’s face, searching for some explanation for what they were witnessing. The changes in her physiognomy were subtle but undeniable and seemed to occur in response to some external stimulus. They just didn’t know what.
“What if she can hear us?” the girl asked. “No, no, that would be impossible. The tests don’t show that she is conscious. Doctor, please,” she interrupted him, “we’re seeing that the results say one thing, but she’s clearly doing something else. So, I don’t think we should count only on the tests. Let’s try talking to her.”
And just at that moment, Lillian’s face moved just a little at the corner of her mouth, as if she were trying to smile. “This is really unbelievable. Okay, let’s try to talk to her and see if we can identify any relationship between the changes in expression and the attempts to communicate,” suggested Dr. Richard, trying to remain calm and professional in the face of the unusual event.
Juliana then approached her bed and started asking simple questions, such as “Lilian, can you hear my voice? And if you understand what I’m saying, try smiling.” And to everyone’s surprise, Lillian seemed to react to the questions, changing her facial expression in a barely perceptible way.
The medical team was stunned by the discoveries and began to investigate the woman’s case even further. In addition to her physiognomy and the movement of her hand, they looked for other signs of communication or response that could prove that she was conscious. This sequence of intriguing events further drove the entire team’s determination to unravel the mystery and help her recover.
Several days had passed since the unexplained events began. Richard was shocked by the case, especially as the tests kept showing results as if she wasn’t reacting to anything, despite the fact that everything she did suggested otherwise. The nurse continued to visit the patient every day and talk to her as she always did. Since the woman had no family, Lillian’s story was a mystery. Really, no one knew her whereabouts before she was found that tragic night.
She was lying in the middle of a deserted road, all bruised and bloodied. Max, a passing driver, found her and rushed her to the hospital. It was a cold, rainy night, and the wind was blowing hard, making the trees sway and leaves fly through the air. The darkness of the road was cut only by the headlights of the man’s car. He would never have imagined that that night he would find a woman in such a situation, helpless and on the verge of death.
When they arrived at the hospital, she was wearing a torn and dirty gown and had a sticker stuck to it with the name Lillian written on it. The medical staff assumed this was her name and started calling her that. Since that day, she had been in a coma and had never woken up. No one looked for her, and it had been over a year since she was in that hospital. The woman’s life was lonely and silent, but Juliana’s presence brought a little comfort and companionship.
The girl wondered about her past, who she was, where she came from, and why no one came looking for her. She imagined the circumstances that had led Lillian to that sad state and wished she could help her recover and discover the truth. Meanwhile, the doctors continued to investigate the case and try to understand the reason for her facial expressions and movements, despite the tests showing inconclusive results.
The search for answers became a personal and professional challenge for everyone involved, especially for the nurse, who was increasingly determined to unravel the mystery and perhaps help Lillian get her life back on track. As the days went by, the woman began to close her fingers slowly, as if she were holding an imaginary pen. The young woman suggested putting a pen in her hand, but the doctor was still skeptical.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Juliana. We could be misinterpreting her movements,” said Dr. Richard. “Better to just keep watching.” However, at a moment when she was alone with Lily, Juliana decided to gently place a pen between the patient’s fingers and encourage her to write. “Lillian, please try to write something down,” she asked hopefully.
At first, as expected, only a few unintelligible scribbles made it onto the paper. The nurse felt a little frustrated, but she didn’t give up. She kept trying every day, keeping it a secret from the doctor. Finally, Lillian wrote down what looked like numbers on each sheet, a different number.
“Doctor, look!” the nurse showed the papers to the man, who was as perplexed and incredulous as the other professionals. “What does that mean?” he asked. So they decided to ask the woman to continue writing down what she wanted to tell them. Lillian wrote down more numbers and more numbers, and suddenly a letter, “N.” Nothing made sense. Once again, she wrote a whole sequence of numbers and then another letter, “E.”
“My God, what’s going on? What do you mean, Lillian?” the doctor was confused until one of the doctors, who had previously worked as a technology and geolocation specialist, looked at the notes and exclaimed, “That looks like a coordinate! The letters ‘N’ and ‘E’ stand for north and east latitude and longitude, and those numbers could be the geographical coordinates of somewhere!”
The whole hospital became even more intrigued, and the team continued to encourage Lillian to write. She completed the coordinates, and searching the internet, they discovered that they pointed to a remote area in the middle of the forest, about 25 miles away. Then, the doctors decided it was time to call the police, as the case was getting stranger and stranger. They explained the whole situation to the officers, from Lillian’s coma to the coordinates she had written down.
However, something even more mysterious happened before they sent a unit to check the location. Lillian managed to write, half-scribbled something that looked like the word “careful.” The police went on alert and sent a unit to investigate the area indicated by the coordinates. When they got there, there was nothing. They searched for hours and found nothing.
As they were leaving, one of the officers stumbled over something on the ground. Intrigued, he removed the leaves and couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw a small door, like the entrance to a bunker. Two of the officers entered and discovered a kind of abandoned underground clinic. The old, weathered structure was covered in vines and moss. The rusty doors revealed the desolation of the place. The atmosphere around the place was heavy and gloomy.
As they advanced cautiously, the policemen reported their findings to headquarters via their radios. “Everything here seems to have been abandoned a long time ago. We’re finding stretchers and surgical utensils scattered all over the floor,” said one of the men. “Continue with caution; we don’t know what you might find,” the commander replied.
As the officers walked around, they found empty rooms and dark corridors. Dust covered the floor, and the air was impregnated with the smell of mold and decay. They could hear the echo of their own footsteps and the sound of their panting breaths. Everything was very gloomy; rooms with rusty dentist chairs, cupboards with broken medicine, and sharp materials that were scary just to look at.
“One of the police officers commented over the radio, ‘It looks like this place has been used for sinister medical practices.'” Finally, they reached the end of the bunker. They found a door with several locks and thick bolts on the outside, which they would never have expected to find there.
“What’s that?” And just as they were getting ready to break down the door, a man suddenly emerged from the shadows and fought the policeman. “We are under attack! Unknown suspect!” shouted one of the officers over the radio. It was an intense struggle, but the police managed to immobilize the mysterious man. The situation at the scene became even more intriguing, and everyone wondered what the hell was behind that locked door that the suspect didn’t want them to find out about.
“He’s in custody; we’re going to proceed with opening the door,” they told dispatch. The adrenaline and tension intensified, and the unit broke the locks with extreme caution, aware that they might find something terrible behind that door. They were preparing for the unknown, but nothing could prepare them for what was about to be revealed.
Then, with a bang, the policeman managed to open the door. It was a completely dark room, and they quickly turned on their flashlights and pointed their guns at whatever was there. What they saw was so shocking that they had no reaction. The expressions on their faces showed bewilderment and horror.
“My God,” muttered one of them, unable to complete the sentence. “How is that possible?” asked the other, his voice shaking. In the corner of the room, hugging each other and trembling with fear, were a teenage girl and a little boy of about five. The men approached them slowly, trying to reassure them.
“It’s all right now; we’ve come to help you,” the siblings, still traumatized, looked at the policemen suspiciously but allowed themselves to be rescued. They were very frightened, and when they came out of the bunker and saw the sunlight, the little boy screamed, covering his face and crying. His sister hugged him and said, “Calm down, Iago, that’s just the sun.”
Outside, it was clear how malnourished and mistreated they were; their faces were pale, their eyes deep-set, and their clothes dirty and torn. The girl’s hair was matted and the boy had bruises all over his body. The officers, heartbroken, took them to the hospital immediately, having no idea what had happened. There were so many questions: who were those children, and that mysterious man? How had they ended up there?
On the way, the brothers clung to each other as if they feared being separated at any moment. The policemen tried to talk to them, but they only spoke a few words and looked frightened.
When they arrived at the hospital, the doctors and nurses, led by Juliana, were already waiting for them. The staff welcomed them warmly, trying to comfort them, and began their first treatment. The girl, her eyes watering, looked at the nurse and whispered, “Thank you, thank you for getting us out of that horrible place.”
Juliana, thrilled, just smiled and replied, “We’ll take care of you; you’re safe now.” While the brothers were being examined and treated, the police continued to investigate the scene and the suspect who had been arrested. The discovery of the siblings only added to the mystery surrounding the case and made it clear that there was much more to be uncovered.
The nurse, now more than ever, believed that Lillian was trying to help solve that dark case. But how did she know all this, and what else could the woman reveal? And how was she connected to those little kids?
Just as she was taking the children into the room where they would be admitted, Juliana passed right in front of Lillian’s room. It was at that moment that the whole hospital stopped when they heard the boy scream, “Mommy! Mommy!” The girl exclaimed, “Mom!” and, breaking free from the doctors, ran over to the woman and started crying inconsolably.
The little boy got off the nurse’s lap and arrived soon after. With all the difficulty in the world, he climbed onto the bed and hugged the woman, tears streaming down his face. What was that scene? No, nobody could believe it. Solving the mystery, the story began when a woman and her little girl, Luna, who was 10 at the time, were walking in the park.
A man sneaked up and grabbed the little girl; the mother, desperate, ran after him but ended up being led into a trap. The man captured them both and locked them up in the abandoned underground clinic, where he mistreated them and subjected the young woman to all kinds of abuse.
She had always been fierce, so she would get beaten and go days without food. What the criminal didn’t know was that she was pregnant when she was kidnapped. Ian was born inside that gloomy dungeon and had never seen sunlight. They stayed there for five years, trapped in total darkness.
They only saw light when the man opened the door with a lamp. The family suffered countless tortures and went through indescribable moments of pain and despair. When the kidnapper realized that Luna was 15 and grown up, he tried to take advantage of her. But her mother wouldn’t allow it and fought him off.
During the struggle, he accidentally pushed her out of the room, and the door slammed shut. The man started chasing her, and the woman tried to run away. He hurt her badly, but she managed to shake him off and escape from the bunker.
She ran about five miles looking for help because she wanted to go back and protect her children. But a car hit her and fled the scene of the accident. At that moment, Max, a driver, found her in the middle of the road and took her to the nearest town about 25 miles away.
That woman ended up in the hospital in a coma and never woke up. However, as she had a Lillian sticker on her dress (because the kidnapper was disturbed and wanted her to play the part of his dead wife, Lillian), they thought that was her name. But the woman’s real name was Vanessa, so they found no information about a missing Lillian, and no one came to look for her at the hospital.
In the bunker, even though the man tried to do something to Luna, she was as brave as her mother and fought him. So, seeing that he wouldn’t be able to achieve anything, he decided to give up on disturbing her and continued to keep them locked up while continuing his search for Lillian.
But something unbelievable happened. It was as if Vanessa’s soul hadn’t been able to leave and remained there on the outskirts of the hospital, wandering around and trying to warn people about her children. She always watched the people and the patients but never managed to talk to them.
It was as if her body and mind were no longer connected. All she wanted most was to know how to protect her children, but she didn’t know how. Until one day, she realized that she could move her hand and perhaps write down the coordinates of where they were so that someone could save them.
The children cried in disconsolation next to their mother lying in a coma; everyone was perplexed. Then, Vanessa managed to manage one last faint smile, leaving everyone around her shocked. Suddenly, the heart monitor indicated the dreaded flatline, emitting a long, continuous sound. Those present were even more impressed, and so they understood that the mother’s mission was complete, and now she could leave in peace.
A few days later, they discovered that the children had a father who had spent years looking for his wife and daughter. The reunion was emotional and unforgettable. When the father saw his children, he hugged them, crying non-stop. Luna, now 15, introduced her little brother Ian to their father, and they all hugged again, tears in their eyes.
The emotion was evident, and that moment would remain forever in their The emotion was evident, and that moment would remain forever in their lives. The family, now reunited, moved on, facing together the challenges that life would throw at them. They knew that despite the loss of their mother and the difficulties, Vanessa’s memory and legacy would live on in their hearts, guiding them towards a brighter future full of love.