
Ragged Old Man Rejected At Every Single Store, Then Reveals His Secret To A Stunned Salesperson

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This story proves that looks are merely looks – they cannot explain one’s story, or reflect one’s true personality and dreams. One man named Lung Decha in Thailand has been rejected by several motorbike shops in his hometown – due to the way he’s dressed, locals think that he is not financially capable to buy a bike, so they refused to serve him

However, one shop entertained him, and showed him around like every other customer. Lung saw a black bike he loved, and wanted to purchase it, much to the sales assistant’s surprise!

Lung proceeded to pay in full, in cold hard cash of 600,000 Thai Baht! That’s over $17,000 upfront!

His dream was to purchase a big bike of his own – thus he had saved up over the years while he worked hard as a mechanic! Moral of the story? Treat others like how you would like them to treat you!

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