
Remember her? Girl prevents airplane from crashing and saves 275 people! – Unbelievable miracle!

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“A little girl was excited for her first plane trip, but when lightning strikes the aircraft, and she is the only one who can save everyone, her world changes forever. The airport was as busy as ever when Kate and her 5-year-old daughter Jane arrived to embark on their first trip to Orlando.

It would be their first trip to Disney World. Mother and daughter were dressed comfortably, ready to face long hours on the plane. “I’m so happy, mommy! I really want to meet Mickey,” said the little girl, her eyes shining with excitement. “Me too, love. This trip is going to be very special, and we’re going to have a lot of fun together,” said the mother, smiling.

Kate walked through the airport while Jane jumped up and down, unable to control her energy. They visited some stores and ended up buying decorative stickers of Disney characters to stick on their suitcases, already getting into the mood for the trip. They also stopped to appreciate a group of musicians who were playing cheerful music. Jane, unable to…..Read Full Story Here………..

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