Remember Her? Girl Prevents Airplane From Crashing And Saves 300 People! – Unbelievable Miracle

Little girl was very excited for her first trip to Disney World, but she could hardly imagine that the plane would be struck by a lightning and nearly crash. If it weren’t for her bravery and courage, the end would be inevitable.
It was a bright sunny day at the airport. Joyce and her five-year-old daughter Kelly were anxious to board the flight that would take them to Orlando, where they would spend their vacation at Disney World. Both were dressed in colorful and comfortable clothes, prepared for the adventure that awaited them.

“I’m so excited, mommy!” exclaimed the little girl, her eyes shining with excitement. “I really want to see Cinderella and Mickey!” Her mom smiled and replied, “Me too, my love. Let’s take lots of pictures and have a lot of fun.”
As they walked through the airport lounge, Joyce held her daughter’s hand, who was jumping up and down with joy. They stopped at a souvenir shop and bought some Disney stickers to decorate their bags, getting in the mood for the trip.
At the airport, a group of musicians played beat songs, and Kelly excitedly started dancing, attracting the attention of other passengers who smiled and applauded the girl’s performance. Joyce proudly recorded the scene on her cell phone and shared it with friends and family.
When it was time to check in, the little girl helped her mother with the bags and received a special sticker from the attendant. “Look, Mom, I got a bon voyage sticker!” she said, showing it to Joyce. “That’s so nice, dear. Let’s stick it in your passport so it will look even better,” she suggested, and they both smiled.After going through security, they found a…….Read Full Story Here……..