
Remember This Black Genius Girl With the Highest IQ in the World? This Is What Happened to Her

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Anala Beavers is 12 years old, and she’s smarter than most kids her age and most adults too. This girl from the City of New Orleans is definitely not an ordinary child; her intelligence sets her apart from the rest of the world. Before she was even 5 years old, she had an IQ of over 145; that’s really high. Anala’s story began with her family, where she was provided with a loving and supportive environment for her natural talents.

The genius was born in the lively City of New Orleans to Sabrina and Landon Beavers. Her parents were so happy to welcome their beautiful baby girl into their lives. Little did they know that their daughter would amaze them with her unmatched intelligence.

Anala’s remarkable intelligence began to show from the moment she entered the world. Her mother, Sabrina, was the first to notice it; she observed how, at 4 months old, Anala was already learning the alphabet. Sabrina would say the ABCs to her, and Anala would mouth the letters along with her. Sabrina marveled at this – a four-month-old reciting ABCs; that wasn’t something usual, but that was just…..Read Full Story Here……….

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