
Report: Pope Francis Shocks Seminarians – Starts Hurling F-Bombs During Private Papal Audience (Video)

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Seminarians from Barcelona say they were scandalized when Pope Francis reportedly used the f-word and other expletives at a papal audience in Rome.

According to testimonies from the seminarians, Francis ranted against “f***ing careerists who f*** up the lives of others.” The pope criticized “those who climb to show their a**,” the Italian media outlet Daily Compass reported on Monday.

The trainee priests were shocked when Francis also reportedly insisted that priests should never deny absolution to penitents in the confessional under any circumstances.

Eyewitnesses describe how the pontiff, at the audience on Dec. 10, tossed his prepared speech aside, saying that “it would have been boring.” Instead, Francis told the seminarians to ask him questions.

“After handing out the address prepared for the occasion, the pope engaged in dialogue with those present at the meeting,” the Holy See Press Office clarified.

It is not the first time this pope lost his cool in public.

Pope Francis slapped at a woman twice after she reached for him in St. Peter’s Square. It was a horrible display

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