
Restaurant opens early for 3-year-old customer with leukemia who wants to order her favorite meal

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We can never imagine how much it’s devastating to know that one of your loved ones is diagnozed with cancer, this horrible disease changes the lives of those infected and their families. With all those chemotherapy sessions and those unending hospital visits and more. You may not have the energy to enjoy other things anymore. This is the life of Adelaide Stanley from Texas. She is a 3-year-old with a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Adelaide’s health issues prevented her from visiting J. Wilson’s, her favorite restaurant. Her required cancer treatments as well as the disease itself, significantly compromised her immune system. After her diagnosis, the young girl had to spend most of her time inside. This was to protect her from getting any type of infection.

One time Adelaide’s family was driving past J. Wilson’s restaurant. She asked her father if they would be able to go there, reports Diply. Her father started to tear up as he explained to Adelaide they could go there when she was no longer sick. Her parents knew a simple cold could put their daughter in the hospital. They were determined to protect Adelaide.

Adelaide received her cancer diagnosis on her third birthday. Three days later, she began receiving chemotherapy treatments. This left her immune system weakened. Adelaide must have very limited exposure to germs. She was also told to avoid crowded places such as restaurants.

According to Diply, friends of the parents went to the restaurant and made a special request on behalf of Adelaide Stanley. The owner of J. Wilson and his staff agreed to open the restaurant a little over an hour ahead of their normal schedule to accommodate the girl and her family. They did this so Adelaide could enjoy having her favorite brunch. This included homemade biscuits, bacon, and scrambled eggs. Before Adelaide arrived the staff gave the restaurant an extra special cleaning and had pink decorations. Pink is Adelaide’s favorite color.

The restaurant staff and owner were happy to see the smiling little girl enjoying her food. The entire cost of the meal was covered by the restaurant. The parents were overjoyed with the restaurant’s gesture. Adelaide was able to enjoy her meal with her dad, mom, and two sisters. The parents shared their experience on Facebook with photos. The post had over 1,300 reactions and hundreds of shares

This is a special story about a restaurant who worked hard to help a family with a child going through cancer treatments. It is a topic worth discussing. Make sure others read this story and have an interesting discussion about it.

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