Josh had no idea whatsoever who the old woman he had just helped truly was. On that frigid December morning, 34-year-old Josh sat in the airport lounge scrolling through his Facebook feed as he awaited his flight. The lounge was packed with travelers because many people were traveling for Christmas.
Shortly after his arrival, Josh’s gaze drifted upward, and his attention was drawn to a frail elderly woman struggling to manage her two large suitcases.
As he surveyed the crowded room, he noticed that everyone seemed too engrossed in their phones or conversations to notice the woman, let alone help her. A surge of compassion and a strong desire to assist the woman washed over Josh. Without hesitation, he rose from his seat and approached the woman. As he drew near, he offered a warm greeting, his smile gentle and reassuring.
“May I help you with your luggage, ma’am?” he asked, his voice low and soothing.
The exhausted woman’s face lit up with gratitude as she accepted his offer, her eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Thank you, my son,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Josh took the old woman’s bags and led her to a nearby seat. He carefully set the bags down and helped her sit, then sat beside her. After they settled in, Ruth thanked Josh again for his kindness, and they struck up a conversation. Ruth shared that she was headed to spend Christmas with her daughter, Bianca, in another city. She mentioned that Bianca had generously bought her flight ticket to spare her the hassle of train travel. Josh, in turn, told Ruth that he was on his way to an all-important business meeting and would be away for a week at most.
As the conversation between the duo went on, Josh subconsciously started feeling an inexplicable connection to Ruth. With each passing second, to Josh, it seemed like he had met Ruth before, but he just couldn’t recall where, when, and how he had actually met her.
Soon enough, Josh’s flight’s imminent departure time was called on the airport’s public announcement system, so he had to leave Ruth to catch his flight, but not before he had exchanged contacts with her and promised to visit her once he came back to the city. Ruth bid Josh a safe and successful trip with a warm smile. Josh wished her one as well. He then hurried away to catch his flight. Ruth kept waving at Josh until he disappeared out of sight.
Josh indeed kept his promise and visited Ruth on his return to the city. You won’t believe what he discovered about Ruth’s true identity during the course of his visit.
Josh was raised by a multi-millionaire white, childless couple in another city. It was crystal clear to Josh from a young age that he had been adopted. His adoptive parents, Chris and Mary, never hid the fact that Josh was adopted from him.
However, Josh never got to meet any of his biological parents—not that he minded at all, as Chris and Mary took Josh as their own biological son and showered him with more than enough love and care. Josh had everything he ever wanted as a kid; his toy collections alone would make any other kid green with envy. Josh went to the best elitist schools. The infertile but happy and rich couple made Josh the center of their world. Josh, on his part, loved and cherished his adoptive parents. He formed a close bond with his adoptive parents, especially with Mary.
Unfortunately, Chris’s life came to a sudden and unexpected end when he suffered a heart attack at the age of 62. He was sitting in his luxurious office chatting with his assistant when he suddenly slumped over. Rushed to the hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Chris had struggled with high blood pressure and heart problems for years, but his passing still came as a shock. Josh, just 24 years old at the time, was fresh out of college with a degree in business management and honors to his name. He was deeply saddened by the loss of his adoptive father, who had been more than just a parent to him—Chris was his mentor, role model, and inspiration.
Josh had looked up to him in every way. Mary, Chris’s loving wife, was equally devastated by his passing. Despite their struggles with infertility, the couple had been deeply in love for over 40 years. Mary had been by Chris’s side since he was a young man, supporting him through all of life’s ups and downs. His loss left a gaping hole in her life.
After Chris’s impressive funeral, which was attended by many important people, his lawyer, Daniel, met with Mary and Josh to read out Chris’s last wishes. The will revealed a beautiful surprise—Chris had left half of his vast business empire to his loving wife, Mary, and the other half to Josh. This made Josh a multi-millionaire at just 24 years old. Following Chris’s burial, Josh said goodbye to the city where he grew up and moved to a new city where he took charge of his inherited business empire. He worked hard to build on Chris’s legacy, using his newfound wealth and resources to make a positive impact.
But despite his wealth, Josh remained ever so kind-hearted and humble. He never forgot his humble beginnings. He made it a point to visit orphanages around the city almost every weekend, spending quality time with the children who lived there. He wanted to bring some joy into their lives, so he showered them with all sorts of gifts—toys, clothes, sweets, chocolates, and more.
He played games with them, listened to their stories, and offered words of encouragement. Josh’s visits became something that orphans looked forward to, and he loved seeing the smiles on their faces. He would spend hours playing with the kids and distributing his bag of goodies to them. By giving back in this way, Josh stayed connected to his roots and remembered the journey that had brought him to where he was today.
Josh’s kindness didn’t stop at visits and gifts. He also donated a lot of money to help the orphanages with their daily needs. He even started a special scholarship program to help the city’s orphans get a good education. Every year, he funded the education of talented orphans all the way through high school.
Josh stayed very close to his adoptive mother, Mary, who had raised him after his father’s death. He would visit her whenever he could, and their bond remained strong. Even though Josh’s life had taken him in a different direction, he never forgot where he came from and the people who had loved and supported him.
It was about 10 years after his father’s passing that Josh had a chance encounter with Ruth at the airport, where he offered her a helping hand. Nine days after their chance encounter at the airport, Josh returned to town and called Ruth. A few days later, the elderly woman’s face lit up with joy as she heard his voice on the other end. She had doubted his promise to stay in touch, but he had proven her wrong. Ruth shared that she was also back in the city, and Josh asked to visit her at her apartment the following Sunday. She happily agreed.
On the appointed day, Josh arrived at Ruth’s humble abode in the afternoon. The small apartment was sparsely furnished with old and worn-out belongings, revealing Ruth’s financial struggles. The walls were bare, and the floors creaked beneath his feet. Despite its modest appearance, the home was quite neat. She welcomed him with a warm embrace, her eyes shining with delight. As they sat at the small dining table, Ruth served a modest meal—a far cry from the luxurious feasts Josh was accustomed to—yet he excitedly devoured the food, much to Ruth’s delight. After lunch, he complimented her cooking, and she beamed with pride. She then served him a glass of homemade apple juice, the only refreshment she could afford.
As they sat together, Josh asked Ruth to share more about herself. She spoke of her late husband, Paul, and her daughter, Bianca, a single mother struggling to make ends meet. Despite her financial difficulties, Bianca sent Ruth a modest monthly allowance, barely enough to cover the basics. Josh listened intently, moved by Ruth’s story and the evident struggles she faced. Josh opened up to Ruth about his personal life, sharing the story of his adoption and his adoptive parents. This vulnerable moment sparked a surprising revelation from Ruth.
With a hint of nostalgia, she confided in Josh that she had once been a foster mother to a young black boy in her mid-20s. This unexpected disclosure left Josh taken aback, as the topic of orphans and adoption was still a sensitive spot for him. So, he quickly asked Ruth why she didn’t keep the black boy as her own. Ruth remained silent for a while. When she finally spoke, her voice trembled, and her eyes welled up with tears.
“I wanted to keep him, Josh,” she began, her voice cracking. “I loved him like my own son, but fate had other plans.”
Ruth’s voice trembled as she began to share the story of the black baby boy she had fostered. Josh listened intently, his heart going out to the elderly woman as she relived a painful yet precious memory. Ruth had been working the night shift at a textile factory, earning a meager wage to make ends meet. As she walked home through the dark streets, she heard a faint cry. Following the sound, she rushed to a nearby garbage dump and found a tiny baby boy wrapped in a dirty blanket, abandoned in a dumpster. The baby’s cries pierced Ruth’s heart, and she quickly scooped him up, cradling him in her arms. The baby’s tears subsided, replaced by a radiant smile that melted Ruth’s soul.
With a newfound sense of purpose, Ruth took the baby home. She fed him warm milk,
and he slept peacefully on her bed. The next afternoon, Ruth went to the Child Welfare Department, determined to become the baby’s foster mother and eventually adopt him. As she waited in line, Ruth’s heart swelled with love for this tiny human. When her turn came, she poured out her story to the social worker, who was moved by Ruth’s compassion and dedication. The department granted her the right to foster the baby, and Ruth’s heart soared.
“The baby looked up at me with big round eyes, and I knew he was mine,” Ruth said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I vowed to protect him, to love him like my own, and I did, Josh. I did.”
Ruth’s eyes overflowed with tears, and Josh’s heart ached with empathy. He took her hand, and she squeezed it tightly, as if holding on to the memory.
“I took him home, and we became inseparable,” Ruth continued. “He’d smile at me, and my heart would melt. I knew I’d found my purpose in life—to love and care for that precious child.”
The room fell silent again, the only sound audible being Ruth’s soft sobs. Josh’s eyes misted, and he held her hand, letting her know he was there for her.
For eight months, Ruth cared for Bob, feeding him, bathing him, and singing him to sleep. She whispered stories in his ear, held him close, and cherished every smile. But fate cruelly tore them apart when she lost her job and couldn’t provide for him anymore. Ruth’s eyes welled up with fresh tears as she continued her story, her voice cracking with emotion.
“I had barely enough money to feed Bob, let alone myself. I applied to every job opening, but no one wanted to hire me. I was desperate, Josh. I felt like I was failing Bob, like I couldn’t provide the life he deserved.”
Ruth paused, collecting her thoughts.
“Then one day, I received an eviction notice. I had fallen behind on rent, and the landlord wanted me out. I was devastated. Where would Bob and I go? How would we survive?” she said, taking a deep breath, the pain still raw in her eyes.
“I had no choice but to take Bob to the orphanage. I held him close, whispering promises in his ear that I would come back for him. But deep down, I knew it was a lie. I couldn’t provide for him, and the thought of losing him forever was suffocating me.”
Ruth’s voice broke, and she sobbed uncontrollably.
“Three months passed, Josh. Three long, agonizing months. I applied to every job, begged for scraps, and sold everything I owned just to get by. And then, finally, I got a call from a hotel offering me a job as a janitor. I was overjoyed, thinking that finally, I could provide for Bob and bring him home,” she said, her eyes filling with tears again, her voice dropping to a whisper.
“But when I rushed back to the orphanage, my heart full of hope, they told me that Bob had been adopted just days earlier. A couple had taken him away, far away from me. I was too late, Josh. I was too late to save my baby,” she concluded.
Josh’s eyes welled up with tears as he struggled to process the heart-wrenching story.
“I’m so sorry, Ruth. I’m deeply sorry you had to endure that,” he said, his voice filled with empathy.
Ruth, still overcome with emotion, interrupted Josh’s thoughts, revealing a crucial detail she had omitted.
“There’s something else, Josh—something that made giving Bob away even more unbearable,” she said, her voice cracking.
“What is it, Ruth? Please share it with me,” Josh asked, his voice trembling slightly.
“Bob was born with a rare condition called scoliosis, a curvature of the spine that would require corrective surgery when he was at least 15 years old. The procedure was extremely expensive, and I knew I couldn’t afford it in my impoverished state,” Ruth said, her voice heavy with sorrow.
“This knowledge made my decision to give Bob up even more agonizing, as I felt I was condemning him to a life of suffering unless I relinquished him to a family who could provide the necessary care.”
Josh was stunned beyond belief after Ruth’s last revelation.
“Did I hear you say scoliosis, ma’am?” he cried out.
“Yes. How could I ever forget anything about my beloved Bob?” Ruth answered in a rather surprised but saddened tone.
“I was actually born with scoliosis, and the condition was surgically corrected when I was 14 years old,” Josh almost screamed at Ruth.
Ruth was shocked beyond words. She just sat silently and stared at Josh with her mouth wide agape. Josh then asked Ruth if she remembered the name of the orphanage where she had dropped off Bob. Ruth told him the name of the orphanage at once. Josh promptly pulled out his phone and called his adoptive mom, Mary. Mary picked up the phone, and as usual, she asked her beloved adoptive son if everything was fine. Josh went straight to the point and asked Mary the name of the orphanage he was adopted from.
“Why are you asking such a question, my beloved son?” Mary asked, startled.
“Please just tell me. I will explain everything to you later,” Josh desperately pleaded with Mary.
Mary then told Josh the name of the orphanage he was asking about, and to his astonishment, it was the same one that Ruth had just mentioned. Josh’s eyes widened in disbelief as he realized the incredible coincidence. Josh didn’t need any soothsayer to tell him that he was indeed Ruth’s Bob. So he immediately flung the phone onto the sofa, then rushed to the dazed-looking Ruth and hugged her tightly while crying,
“I’m your Bob, ma’am!”
“My dearest Bob! I always knew that fate would bring you back to me one way or the other!” Ruth loudly cried as she embraced Josh.
The duo remained locked in each other’s arms for what seemed like ages, crying like babies. After that day, Josh became Ruth’s lost but found Bob once again. He quickly moved her into a well-furnished flat and placed her on a mouthwatering weekly allowance. The old woman was so happy. Josh visited her and spent quality time with her almost every weekend. Josh also met Bianca and gave her an enormous amount of capital to set up any business of her choice. Bianca chose to set up a boutique. Over time, and with Josh’s ceaseless support, the boutique started booming financially, and Bianca soon became quite comfortable.
The duo soon formed a strong bond. Luckily for Josh, he now had two mothers who cared for him deeply. He held both Ruth and Mary in high esteem, cherishing the love and support they provided. Josh decided to arrange a meeting between the two women, which took place on a Saturday afternoon. He was present during the encounter, eager to witness their interaction. Ruth shared the same heart-wrenching story about Bob with Mary, recounting every detail. After listening intently, Mary expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Ruth for rescuing Josh from the garbage dump and for her selfless actions. She also thanked Ruth for indirectly bringing Josh into her and her husband’s lives, acknowledging the significant impact he had on their family. Ruth, in turn, thanked Mary for everything she and her husband had done for Bob. She believed that fate had brought Josh into Mary’s life, providing him with the opportunity to grow into the successful young man he was today—a future she doubted she could have ever provided for him.
The meeting was an emotional yet uplifting experience for all three. It was such a happy ending for Josh, Mary, Bianca, and especially Ruth, who had been praying and hoping that her beloved Bob would come back to her for over three decades.