
RIGHT ON TIME: “A Quantum Leap in the American Standard of Living” – President Trump Announces ‘AGENDA 47’ (VIDEO)

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President Trump announced his new ‘Agenda 47’ initiatives last Friday, vowing to give American families and individuals “a new shot at the American Dream.”

This new plan includes building new cities, creating a transportation revolution, bringing manufacturing back to America, and lowering the cost of living while rebuilding and beautifying American cities. The President defined his agenda as a “new Quantum Leap plan that will create a new American future and modernize communities across the country.”

This appears to be a shot at the Marxist, Globalist World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 plan to abolish property ownership, surrender to China, and end America’s status as a dominant world superpower.

This is why the Marxist Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential Election and 2022 Midterms in critical states. They need corrupted politicians who are willing to sell out America to accomplish these goals

The Gateway Pundit reported on President Trump’s incredible CPAC speech on Saturday that the media will not honestly cover or promote. Here, he promised to reverse Joe Biden’s “crazy” and woke policies, to secure our southern border as it was three years ago, to hold China accountable for the COVID-19 bioweapon, and to withdraw from the WHO, which he said, “stands for ‘We Hide Outbreaks.’”

The President also laid out his “mass deportation plan,” promising to “use all necessary state, local, federal and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, President Trump crushed the field in the poll at CPAC yesterday, winning over 60% of the vote, which is more than 40% higher than his nearest competitor, Ron DeSantis.

Never-Trump RINOs and hacks responded to this enormous polling victory with contempt and disgust for President Trump’s America First vision.

They are terrified of the President’s plan to restore the American Dream and destroy the threat of globalism in the United States. He will likely go down as the greatest American President in history!

President Trump published the following press release on March 3 at donaldjtrump.com:

Mar-a-Lago, FL – President Trump unveiled his new Quantum Leap plan that will create a new American future and modernize communities across the country. By building new cities, investing in transportation, lowering the cost of living for everyone, and modernizing public spaces across the country, President Trump has laid out a bold strategy to revolutionize the American Standard of Living.

“Past generations of Americans pursued big dreams and daring projects that once seemed absolutely impossible,” President Trump said. “Today, our country has lost its boldness. Under my leadership, we will get it back in a very big way. Our objective will be a quantum leap in the American Standard of Living.”

The federal government owns nearly one-third of the land mass of the United States. Hundreds of millions of these acres are empty.

President Trump proposes a national contest to charter up to 10 new cities on a very small portion of federal land and award these charters to the best ideas and proposals for development.

Of the approximately 640 million acres owned by the federal government, 10 charters roughly the size of the District of Columbia would amount to just a few one-hundredths of a percent—about 0.06%.

Freedom Cities will be built on federal land that is undeveloped and not part of any of our country’s magnificent national parks or other natural treasures. These cities will give hundreds of thousands of hardworking American families a new opportunity for home ownership and the American Dream.

Manufacturing Initiative will reclaim our economic independence from China. President Trump will revoke China’s Most Favored Nation trade status and adopt a 4-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods—everything from electronics to steel to pharmaceuticals – bringing many of those jobs back home.

GREAT MODERNIZATION AND BEAUTIFICATION CAMPAIGN: President Trump will work to improve our country’s public spaces for the benefit of all Americans.

President Trump will challenge the governors of all 50 states to join him in a great modernization and beautification campaign — getting rid of ugly buildings, refurbishing our parks and our public spaces, making cities and towns more livable, and working to create a pristine environment.

President Trump will also support the construction of towering monuments to our true American heroes.

To ensure that our cities are safe, President Trump will always stand for law and order and continue to support our brave police officers.

Watch the President’s announcement video below:


Very importantly, I will also make sure all of these new places are safe. We love and cherish our police. They will do the job the way they have to.

It is time to start talking about GREATNESS for our country again.

I will dramatically increase living standards and build a future that brings our country together through excitement, opportunity, and success.

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