Scientists Discovered Evidence That Exposes An Ancient Lie About Woolly Mammoths (Video)

For centuries, woolly mammoths have been an iconic species that once roamed the planet. Although they don’t exist anymore, we can easily imagine the giant, hairy creatures.

However, recent discoveries have shown that our ideas about the way they lived were incorrect. Scientists have found evidence that challenges what we once thought to be true about woolly mammoths.
The frigid temperatures of the Ice Age preserved the carcasses of woolly mammoths until they were discovered in more recent times, providing experts with a clear picture of what they looked like, what they ate, and how they interacted with prehistoric humans. Cave paintings also depict these giant mammals before they became extinct.
While scientists once believed that woolly mammoths died out long before humans appeared on the scene, most of them actually disappeared between 14,000 and 10,000 years ago. In comparison, the ancient Egyptians built the Great Pyramid of Giza over 4,000 years ago, making it clear that woolly mammoths have been extinct for a…….Read Full Story Here………